1. How do I purchase shares in Yellow Pages Limited?
Please contact a licensed stock broker to purchase shares in the Company.
2. What are the Company's publicly traded securities and what are their tickers?
The Company’s securities are traded on the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX) under the following ticker symbols:
Y - Common Shares
Y.WT - Warrants
3. How do I obtain a copy of Yellow Pages’ Annual Report or other financial documents?
The Company’s Annual Report and other financial documents can be found here.
You can also consult www.sedar.com for these and other public documents.
4. When is the next Annual Meeting of Shareholders?
The 2022 Annual Meeting of Shareholders will be held on May 11, 2022.
5. Who is part of Yellow Pages Limited's management team and Board of Directors?
Please visit the Management Team page and Board of Directors page for detailed information.
6. How do I contact Yellow Pages’ Transfer Agent
The Company’s transfer agent is TSX Trust Company
They can be contacted at:
2001 Robert-Bourassa Street, Suite 1600
Montreal, Québec H3A 2A6
1 (800) 387-0825
7. Where can I get more information about the Recapitalization transaction?
A recapitalization transaction was completed in December 2012 to reduce the Company’s outstanding debt and improve its maturity profile.