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  • Yellow Pages Limited Reports Strong Third Quarter 2021 Financial and Operating Results and Declares a Cash Dividend

    Press Releases Back to News Back to News Print Back to News Print Montreal (Quebec), November 12, 2021 — Yellow Pages Limited (TSX: Y) (the “Company”), a leading Canadian digital media and marketing company, released its operating and financial results today for the quarter and nine months ended September 30, 2021. “We are very pleased with our third quarter results, which reflect our continuing progress toward revenue stability,” said David A. Eckert, President and CEO of Yellow Pages Limited. Eckert commented on the key developments: Significant progress toward revenue stability. “For the fourth consecutive quarter since COVID-19 hit, we report a favorable ‘bending of the revenue curve’ in Q3, with a markedly better rate of change in revenue than reported for the previous quarter.” Promising trends in bookings. “The trends in our bookings continue to be quite strong, as we continue our march toward revenue stability.” Investments in revenue initiatives. “We continue to make progress on executing on our programs to expand our tele-sales force and to add to our strong product portfolio.” Strong quarterly earnings. “Our Adjusted EBITDA1 for the quarter was a very strong 37.5% of revenue, despite the COVID-19 crisis and our continued investments in revenue initiatives.” Healthy and growing cash balance. “Our consistently strong cash generation has grown cash on hand to approximately $113 million as of the end of October.” Pension plan funding on track. “Consistent with our previously announced deficit-reduction plan, year-to-date we have made $2.3 million of voluntary incremental payments toward our Defined Benefit Pension Plan’s wind-up deficit.” Quarterly dividend2 declared. “Our Board has declared a dividend of $0.15 per common share, to be paid on December 15, 2021 to shareholders of record as of November 26, 2021.” Continuing common stock NCIB. “Under our current NCIB program commenced August 10, 2021, at the end of the third quarter the Company had purchased 28,357 common shares for cash of $0.4 million.” (1) Adjusted EBITDA is equal to Income from operations before depreciation and amortization and restructuring and other charges (defined herein as Adjusted EBITDA), as shown in Yellow Pages Limited’s interim condensed consolidated statements of income. Adjusted EBITDA, Adjusted EBITDA margin, CAPEX, Adjusted EBITDA less CAPEX and Adjusted EBITDA less CAPEX margin are non-IFRS financial measures and do not have any standardized meaning under IFRS. Therefore, they are unlikely to be comparable to similar measures presented by other public companies. Refer to the section on Non-IFRS financial measures on page 5 of this document for more details. (2) The dividend will be designated as an eligible dividend pursuant to subsection 89(14) of the Income Tax Act (Canada) and any applicable provincial legislation pertaining to eligible dividends. Third Quarter 2021 Results Total revenues decreased 11.7% year-over-year and amounted to $70.9 million for the three-month period ended September 30, 2021, an improvement from the decrease of 15.5% reported last quarter. Adjusted EBITDA less CAPEX1 totalled $25.3 million and the EBITDA less CAPEX margin1 was 35.7%. Net earnings increased to $13.7 million, or to $0.51 per diluted share. Financial Results for the Third Quarter of 2021 Total revenues for the third quarter ended September 30, 2021 of $70.9 million decreased by $9.4 million or 11.7% as compared to $80.3 million for the same period last year. The decrease in revenues for the three-month period ended September 30, 2021 is mainly due to the decline of our higher margin digital media and print products and to a lesser extent to our lower margin digital services products, thereby creating pressure on our gross profit margins. Adjusted EBITDA1 for the three-month period ended September 30, 2021 totalled $26.6 million compared to $27.3 million for the same period last year. The Adjusted EBITDA margin1 increased to 37.5% in the third quarter of 2021 compared to 34.0% for the same period last year. The decrease in Adjusted EBITDA for the three-month period ended September 30, 2021, is the result of revenue pressures and investments in our tele-sales force capacity, partially offset by the impact of the Company’s share-price on cash settled stock-based compensation expense, efficiencies from optimization in cost of sales and reductions in other operating costs including reductions in our workforce and associated employee expenses as well the Company’s office space footprint and other spending across the Company. The change in YP’s share price, resulted in a recovery of $0.1 million related to cash settled stock-based compensation expense for the three-month period ended September 30, 2021 compared to a charge of $3.5 million for the comparative three-month period ended September 30, 2020. Furthermore, the third quarter of 2020 was impacted by the resumed spending for the fulfillment of paused campaigns related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Revenue pressures, coupled with increased headcount in our salesforce partially offset by continued optimization, will continue to cause some pressure on margin in upcoming quarters. Adjusted EBITDA less CAPEX1 for the three-month period ended September 30, 2021 totalled $25.3 million compared to $26.0 million for the same period last year. The decrease for the three-month period ended September 30, 2021 is mainly driven by the decrease in Adjusted EBITDA as CAPEX was relatively stable year-over-year. (1) Adjusted EBITDA is equal to Income from operations before depreciation and amortization and restructuring and other charges (defined herein as Adjusted EBITDA), as shown in Yellow Pages Limited’s interim condensed consolidated statements of income. Adjusted EBITDA, Adjusted EBITDA margin, CAPEX, Adjusted EBITDA less CAPEX and Adjusted EBITDA less CAPEX margin are non-IFRS financial measures and do not have any standardized meaning under IFRS. Therefore, they are unlikely to be comparable to similar measures presented by other public companies. Refer to the section on Non-IFRS financial measures on page 5 of this document for more details. Net earnings increased to $13.7 million for the three-month period ended September 30, 2021 compared to $9.0 million for the same period last year. The increase in net earnings of $4.7 million for the three-month period ended September 30, 2021, compared to the same period last year, is explained principally by the decrease in Adjusted EBITDA1 and higher provision of income taxes, being more than offset by decreases in depreciation and amortization, restructuring and other charges and financial charges. Cash flows from operating activities decreased by $8.0 million to $24.7 million for the three-month period ended September 30, 2021 compared to $32.7 million for the same period last year, mainly due to a decrease of $8.7 million from the change in operating assets and liabilities, lower Adjusted EBITDA of $0.7 million, increased funding of post-employment benefit plans of $1.8 million, partially offset by lower payments for restructuring and other charges of $0.8 million. As at September 30, 2021, the Company had $103.6 million of cash. (1) Adjusted EBITDA is equal to Income from operations before depreciation and amortization and restructuring and other charges (defined herein as Adjusted EBITDA), as shown in Yellow Pages Limited’s interim condensed consolidated statements of income. Adjusted EBITDA, Adjusted EBITDA margin, CAPEX, Adjusted EBITDA less CAPEX and Adjusted EBITDA less CAPEX margin are non-IFRS financial measures and do not have any standardized meaning under IFRS. Therefore, they are unlikely to be comparable to similar measures presented by other public companies. Refer to the section on Non-IFRS financial measures on page 5 of this document for more details. Conference Call & Webcast Yellow Pages Limited will hold an analyst and media call and simultaneous webcast at 8:30 a.m. (Eastern Time) on November 12, 2021 to discuss third quarter 2021 results. The call may be accessed by dialing 416-695-6725 within the Toronto area, or 1-866-696-5910 outside of Toronto, Passcode 8577790#. Please be prepared to join the conference at least 5 minutes prior to the conference start time. The call will be simultaneously webcast on the Company’s website at: . The conference call will be archived in the Investors section of the site at: . About Yellow Pages Limited Yellow Pages Limited (TSX: Y) is a Canadian digital media and marketing company that creates opportunities for buyers and sellers to interact and transact in the local economy. Yellow Pages holds some of Canada’s leading local online properties including , Canada411 and . The Company also holds the YP, Canada411 and 411 mobile applications and Yellow Pages print directories. For more information visit . Caution Concerning Forward-Looking Statements This press release contains forward-looking statements about the objectives, strategies, financial conditions and results of operations and businesses of YP (including, without limitation, payment of a cash dividend per share per quarter to its common shareholders; the number of Shares purchased by the Company during the NCIB; and the intention to limit purchases to $16.0 million).These statements are forward-looking as they are based on our current expectations, as at November 11, 2021, about our business and the markets we operate in, and on various estimates and assumptions. Our actual results could materially differ from our expectations if known or unknown risks affect our business, or if our estimates or assumptions turn out to be inaccurate. As a result, there is no assurance that any forward-looking statements will materialize. Risks that could cause our results to differ materially from our current expectations are discussed in section 5 of our November 11, 2021 Management’s Discussion and Analysis. We disclaim any intention or obligation to update any forward-looking statements, except as required by law, even if new information becomes available, as a result of future events or for any other reason. Contacts : Investors Franco Sciannamblo Senior Vice-President and Chief Financial Officer i Media Treena Cooper Senior Vice President, Secretary and General Counsel Non-IFRS Financial Measures Adjusted EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA margin In order to provide a better understanding of the results, the Company uses the terms Adjusted EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA margin. Adjusted EBITDA is equal to Income from operations before depreciation and amortization and restructuring and other charges (defined herein as Adjusted EBITDA), as shown in Yellow Pages Limited’s interim condensed consolidated statements of income. Adjusted EBITDA margin is defined as the percentage of Adjusted EBITDA to revenues. Adjusted EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA margin are not performance measures defined under IFRS and are not considered an alternative to income from operations or net earnings in the context of measuring Yellow Pages performance. Adjusted EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA margin do not have a standardized meaning under IFRS and are therefore not likely to be comparable to similar measures used by other publicly traded companies. Adjusted EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA margin should not be used as exclusive measures of cash flow since they do not account for the impact of working capital changes, income taxes, interest payments, pension funding, capital expenditures, business acquisitions, debt principal reductions and other sources and uses of cash, which are disclosed on page 14 of our November 11, 2021 MD&A. Management uses Adjusted EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA margin to evaluate the performance of its business as it reflects its ongoing profitability. Management believes that certain investors and analysts use Adjusted EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA margin to measure a company’s ability to service debt and to meet other payment obligations or as common measurement to value companies in the media and marketing solutions industry as well as to evaluate the performance of a business. Adjusted EBITDA less CAPEX and Adjusted EBITDA less CAPEX margin The Company also uses Adjusted EBITDA less CAPEX, which is defined as Adjusted EBITDA, as defined above, less CAPEX which we define as additions to intangible assets and additions to property and equipment as reported in the Investing Activities section of the Company’s interim condensed consolidated statements of cash flows. Adjusted EBITDA less CAPEX margin is defined as the percentage of Adjusted EBITDA less CAPEX to revenues. Adjusted EBITDA less CAPEX and Adjusted EBITDA less CAPEX margin are non-IFRS financial measures and do not have any standardized meaning under IFRS. Therefore, are unlikely to be comparable to similar measures presented by other publicly traded companies. We use Adjusted EBITDA less CAPEX and Adjusted EBITDA less CAPEX margin to evaluate the performance of our business as it reflects cash generated from business activities. We believe that certain investors and analysts use Adjusted EBITDA less CAPEX and Adjusted EBITDA less CAPEX margin to evaluate the performance of businesses in our industry. The most comparable IFRS financial measure to Adjusted EBITDA less Capex is Income from operations before depreciation and amortization and restructuring and other charges (defined above as Adjusted EBITDA) as shown in Yellow Pages Limited’s interim condensed consolidated statements of income. Refer to page 8 of the November 11, 2021 MD&A for a reconciliation of Adjusted EBITDA less CAPEX. Yellow Pages Limited Reports Strong Third Quarter 2021 Financial and Operating Results and Declares a Cash Dividend

  • Yellow Pages Limited Reports Second Quarter 2023 Financial and Operating Results and Declares a Cash Dividend1

    Communiqués de presse Back to News Retour aux nouvelles Print Retour aux nouvelles Print Montréal (Québec), le 9 août 2023 – Pages Jaunes Limitée (TSX : Y) (la « Société »), un chef de file en matière de médias numériques et de solutions marketing au Canada, a publié aujourd’hui ses résultats financiers et d’exploitation pour le trimestre et le semestre clos le 30 juin 2023. « Nos résultats du deuxième trimestre continuent de refléter une rentabilité et une trésorerie générée solides, malgré des vents contraires dans l’économie mondiale qui limitent nos progrès en ce qui a trait aux produits », a déclaré M. David A. Eckert, président et chef de la direction de Pages Jaunes Limitée. M. Eckert a commenté les principaux faits nouveaux : Bénéfice trimestriel solide. « Notre BAIIA ajusté2 pour le trimestre a représenté une proportion de 35,0 % des produits, ce qui est encore plus élevé qu’au deuxième trimestre de l’exercice précédent, malgré nos investissements continus dans des initiatives à l’égard des produits, y compris l’augmentation de notre effectif de vente. » Capitalisation du régime de retraite sur la bonne voie. « Conformément à notre plan de réduction du déficit annoncé en mai 2021, pour le deuxième trimestre de 2023, nous avons effectué des paiements facultatifs supplémentaires à l’égard du déficit de liquidation de notre régime de retraite à prestations définies de 1,5 M$. » Solde de trésorerie en croissance. « La trésorerie solide que nous avons générée de façon constante nous a permis de faire croître nos fonds en caisse, qui s’élevaient à environ 65 M$ à la fin du mois de juillet. » Progrès continus en ce qui a trait aux initiatives à l’égard des produits. « En raison des vents contraires dans l’économie mondiale, la variation de nos produits au deuxième trimestre par rapport à l’exercice précédent a été moins importante qu’il y a un an. Nous demeurons toutefois satisfaits des progrès réalisés sur les mesures sous-jacentes, notamment la taille de notre effectif de vente, le taux de roulement de notre clientèle et le taux d’acquisition de nouveaux comptes. » Dividende trimestriel déclaré. « Notre conseil a déclaré un dividende de 0,20 $ par action ordinaire, devant être versé le 15 septembre 2023 aux actionnaires inscrits le 25 août 2023. » Faits saillants financiers (en milliers de dollars canadiens, sauf les pourcentages et les montants par action) 1. Le dividende sera désigné comme dividende déterminé en vertu du paragraphe 89(14) de la Loi de l’impôt sur le revenu (Canada) et de toute loi provinciale applicable se rapportant aux dividendes déterminés. 2 Le BAIIA ajusté correspond au bénéfice d’exploitation avant amortissements et frais de restructuration et autres charges (défini aux présentes comme le « BAIIA ajusté »), tel qu’il est présenté dans les états consolidés intermédiaires résumés du résultat net de Pages Jaunes Limitée. Le BAIIA ajusté, la marge sur BAIIA ajusté, les dépenses d’investissement, le BAIIA ajusté moins les dépenses d’investissement et la marge sur BAIIA ajusté moins les dépenses d’investissement sont des mesures financières non conformes aux PCGR et n’ont pas de signification normalisée selon les normes IFRS. Il est donc peu probable qu’ils soient comparables à des mesures semblables employées par d’autres sociétés ouvertes. Pour en savoir davantage, se reporter à la section Mesures financières non conformes aux PCGR, à la fin du présent document. Résultats du deuxième trimestre de 2023 Le total des produits a diminué de 9,8 % d’un exercice à l’autre pour s’établir à 62,7 M$ pour le trimestre clos le 30 juin 2023, comparativement à une diminution de 6,7 % enregistrée à la période correspondante de l’exercice précédent. Le BAIIA ajusté moins les dépenses d’investissement1 a totalisé 20,6 M$, et la marge sur BAIIA ajusté moins les dépenses d’investissement1 s’est établie à 32,8 %. Le bénéfice net s’est établi à 12,7 M$, soit un bénéfice dilué de 0,69 $ par action. Résultats financiers du deuxième trimestre de 2023 Pour le deuxième trimestre clos le 30 juin 2023, le total des produits a diminué de 9,8 %, pour s’établir à 62,7 M$, comparativement à 69,6 M$ pour la période correspondante de l’exercice précédent. La diminution des produits est essentiellement attribuable au recul de nos médias numériques et médias imprimés à marge plus élevée et, dans une moindre mesure, de nos services numériques à marge moins élevée, ce qui a exercé une pression sur nos marges bénéficiaires brutes. Pour le trimestre clos le 30 juin 2023, le total des produits tirés des médias et solutions numériques a diminué de 7,6 % d’un exercice à l’autre, pour se chiffrer à 48,8 M$, comparativement à 52,8 M$ pour la période correspondante de l’exercice précédent. La baisse des produits pour le trimestre clos le 30 juin 2023 est principalement attribuable à une diminution du nombre de clients des médias numériques, partiellement contrebalancée par une hausse des dépenses par client. Pour le trimestre clos le 30 juin 2023, le total des produits tirés des médias imprimés a diminué de 16,8 % d’un exercice à l’autre, pour s’établir à 14,0 M$. La baisse des produits au cours du trimestre clos le 30 juin 2023 est principalement attribuable à une diminution du nombre de clients des médias imprimés et, dans une moindre mesure, à une baisse des dépenses par client. Le taux de diminution des produits a augmenté d’un exercice à l’autre et par rapport au trimestre précédent. La hausse du taux de diminution est en partie attribuable a) aux vents contraires dans l’économie mondiale, qui ont fait en sorte que les taux de renouvellement des clients sont demeurés solides, mais stables, tandis que l’amélioration des dépenses moyennes par client a ralenti, alors que les clients cherchent à optimiser leurs dépenses et b) à un incident en matière de cybersécurité, à la suite duquel les activités et les systèmes informatiques de la Société ont été interrompus pendant environ trois semaines au deuxième trimestre de 2023. Pour le trimestre clos le 30 juin 2023, le BAIIA ajusté a diminué de 1,9 M$, ou 7,8 %, pour s’établir à 21,9 M$, comparativement à 23,8 M$ pour la période correspondante de l’exercice précédent. La marge sur BAIIA ajusté a augmenté pour s’établir à 35,0 % au deuxième trimestre de 2023, comparativement à 34,2 % pour la période correspondante de l’exercice précédent. La diminution du BAIIA ajusté pour le trimestre clos le 30 juin 2023 est attribuable aux pressions exercées sur les produits et aux investissements continus dans notre effectif de télévente, contrebalancés en partie par les réductions des autres coûts d’exploitation, y compris les réductions de la main-d’œuvre et des charges connexes liées aux employés, par une diminution de la charge pour créances douteuses et par la baisse de la charge de rémunération variable, y compris l’incidence du cours de l’action de la Société sur la charge de rémunération fondée sur des actions réglée en trésorerie. Les pressions exercées sur les produits, de même que l’augmentation de l’effectif de vente, contrebalancées en partie par les optimisations continues, exerceront encore une certaine pression sur les marges au cours des prochains trimestres. Pour le trimestre clos le 30 juin 2023, le BAIIA ajusté moins les dépenses d’investissement a diminué de 2,0 M$, ou 8,8 %, pour s’établir à 20,6 M$, comparativement à 22,6 M$ pour la période correspondante de l’exercice précédent. La marge sur BAIIA ajusté moins les dépenses d’investissement est demeurée relativement stable d’un exercice à l’autre. La diminution du BAIIA ajusté moins les dépenses d’investissement est attribuable à la diminution du BAIIA ajusté, les dépenses d’investissement demeurant stables d’un exercice à l’autre. Pour le trimestre clos le 30 juin 2023, le bénéfice net est demeuré stable à 12,7 M$, comparativement à l’exercice précédent, alors que le bénéfice dilué par action a augmenté de 41 %, pour s’établir à 0,69 $ pour le trimestre, en raison de la diminution du nombre d’actions en circulation. Les flux de trésorerie provenant des activités d’exploitation ont diminué de 4,8 M$, pour s’établir à 20,0 M$ pour le trimestre clos le 30 juin 2023. La diminution est essentiellement attribuable à la baisse de 1,9 M$ du BAIIA ajusté1 et à la variation de 4,0 M$ des actifs et des passifs d’exploitation, facteurs contrebalancés en partie par une baisse de 0,6 M$ de l’impôt sur le résultat payé, par une diminution de 0,3 M$ des règlements en trésorerie au titre de la rémunération fondée sur des actions et par une baisse de 0,2 M$ des frais de restructuration et autres charges payés. La variation des actifs et des passifs d’exploitation s’explique principalement par le calendrier de recouvrement des créances clients et de paiement des créances clients et par l’incidence du cours de l’action sur la charge de rémunération fondée sur des actions réglée en trésorerie. Au 30 juin 2023, la trésorerie de la Société se chiffrait à 64,4 M$. 1. Le BAIIA ajusté correspond au bénéfice d’exploitation avant amortissements et frais de restructuration et autres charges (défini aux présentes comme le « BAIIA ajusté »), tel qu’il est présenté dans les états consolidés intermédiaires résumés du résultat net de Pages Jaunes Limitée. Le BAIIA ajusté, la marge sur BAIIA ajusté, les dépenses d’investissement, le BAIIA ajusté moins les dépenses d’investissement et la marge sur BAIIA ajusté moins les dépenses d’investissement sont des mesures financières non conformes aux PCGR et n’ont pas de signification normalisée selon les normes IFRS. Il est donc peu probable qu’ils soient comparables à des mesures semblables employées par d’autres sociétés ouvertes. Pour en savoir davantage, se reporter à la section Mesures financières non conformes aux PCGR, à la fin du présent document. Conférence téléphonique et webdiffusion Pages Jaunes Limitée tiendra une conférence téléphonique et une webdiffusion simultanées à l’intention des analystes et des médias à 8 h 30 (heure de l’Est) le 9 août 2023 pour commenter les résultats du deuxième trimestre de 2023. On peut assister à cette conférence en composant le 416 695-6725 dans la région de Toronto ou le 1 866 696-5910 à l’extérieur de cette zone. Le mot de passe est 2713953#. Veuillez joindre la conférence au moins cinq minutes avant le début de celle-ci. La conférence sera aussi disponible par webdiffusion à partir du site Web de la Société, à l’adresse . La conférence téléphonique sera archivée dans la section « Investisseurs » du site Web, à l’adresse . À propos de Pages Jaunes Limitée Pages Jaunes Limitée (TSX : Y) est une société canadienne de médias numériques et de solutions marketing qui offre des occasions aux vendeurs et aux acheteurs d’interagir et de faire des affaires au sein de l’économie locale. Pages Jaunes détient certains des principaux médias locaux en ligne au Canada, notamment , Canada411 et , ainsi que les applications mobiles PJ, Canada411 et 411, de même que les annuaires imprimés Pages Jaunes. Pour plus d’informations, visitez notre site Web au . Mise en garde concernant les déclarations prospectives Le présent communiqué contient des déclarations prospectives au sujet des objectifs, des stratégies, de la situation financière et des résultats d’exploitation et des activités de PJ (y compris, sans s’y limiter, du versement d’un dividende en trésorerie par action par trimestre à ses actionnaires ordinaires). Ces déclarations sont prospectives puisqu’elles sont fondées sur nos attentes, en date du 8 août 2023, en ce qui concerne nos activités et les marchés sur lesquels nous les exerçons, ainsi que sur différentes estimations et hypothèses. Nos résultats réels pourraient différer de manière importante de nos attentes si des risques connus ou inconnus touchaient nos activités ou si nos estimations ou hypothèses se révélaient inexactes. Par conséquent, nous ne pouvons garantir que l’une ou l’autre de nos déclarations prospectives se réalisera. Les risques qui pourraient faire en sorte que nos résultats réels diffèrent de façon importante de nos attentes actuelles sont analysés dans la section 5 de notre rapport de gestion en date du 8 août 2023. Nous n’avons aucune intention ni ne nous engageons à le faire, sauf si cela est exigé conformément à la loi, de mettre à jour les déclarations prospectives même si de nouveaux renseignements venaient à notre connaissance, par suite d’événements futurs ou pour toute autre raison. Personne-ressource : Investisseurs et médias Franco Sciannamblo Premier vice-président et chef de la direction financière Pages Jaunes Limitée présente ses résultats financiers et d’exploitation au deuxième trimestre de 2023 et déclare un dividende en trésorerie1

  • Rob Hall | YP Canada Corporate

    Previous Next Rob Hall Back Rob Hall Director and Chair of the Board ​ Rob Hall is Executive Deputy Chairman at Yell (a UK business providing digital marketing services and formerly part of the Hibu Group) and holds several Board of Director positions within its affiliates. Having spent 20 years in various roles at Yell/Hibu, his most recent position prior to his Directorship posts was as Group Chief Financial Officer of Hibu until 2018. Mr. Hall holds a Bachelor of Science in Business Studies from the University of Swansea, United Kingdom and holds the title of Chartered Management Accountant.

  • Q1 2024 Financial and Operational Results

    Back to Events May 9, 2024 Q1 2024 Financial and Operational Results Add to my Calendar Yellow Pages Limited will hold an analyst and media call and simultaneous webcast at 8:30 a.m. (Eastern Time) on May 9, 2024 to discuss first quarter 2024 results. The call may be accessed by dialing 416-695-6725 within the Toronto area, or 1-866-696-5910 outside of Toronto, both with the passcode 6613383#. Please be prepared to join the conference at least 5 minutes prior to the conference start time. Management's Discussion & Analysis Financial Statements Supplemental Disclosure Webcast of Conference Call Back to Events Events

  • YP Digital Breakfast (with Google) - Vancouver

    Back to Events May 28, 2015 YP Digital Breakfast (with Google) - Vancouver Add to my Calendar Back to Events Events

  • David A. Eckert to Continue as CEO of Yellow Pages Limited to mid-2025

    Press Releases Back to News Back to News Print Back to News Print Montreal (Quebec), September 15, 2022 —Yellow Pages Limited (TSX: Y) (the “Company”), a leading Canadian digital media and marketing company, announced today an agreement to extend the tenure of its President and CEO, David A. Eckert, to mid-2025. The Company’s Board of Directors approved the arrangement at a meeting today. “We are delighted that David will be continuing to lead the Company as we move to complete our turnaround,” said Susan Kudzman, Chair of the Board of Yellow Pages Limited. Eckert said, “I am pleased to be able to continue as part of our terrific team as we complete the steady turnaround of the business.” He continued, “We now have strong profitability, have repaid all our debt, carry a healthy cash balance, and are approaching stability of revenue. I am grateful to our entire team, our board, our shareholders, our retirees, our employees, and our customers for their continued support.” About Yellow Pages Limited Yellow Pages Limited (TSX: Y) is a Canadian digital media and marketing company that creates opportunities for buyers and sellers to interact and transact in the local economy. Yellow Pages holds some of Canada’s leading local online properties including , Canada411 and . The Company also holds the YP, Canada411 and 411 mobile applications and Yellow Pages print directories. For more information visit . Contacts: Investors Franco Sciannamblo Senior Vice-President and Chief Financial Officer Media Treena Cooper Senior Vice President, Secretary and General Counsel David A. Eckert to Continue as CEO of Yellow Pages Limited to mid-2025

  • Social Media Camp

    Back to Events May 21, 2015 Social Media Camp Add to my Calendar Back to Events Events

  • Q1 2024 Financial and Operational Results

    Back to News 9 mai 2024 Résultats financiers et opérationnels du 1er trimestre de 2024 Ajouter à mon agenda Pages Jaunes Limitée tiendra une conférence téléphonique et une webdiffusion simultanée à l’intention des analystes et des médias à 8 h 30 (heure de l’est) le 9 mai 2024 pour commenter les résultats du premier trimestre de 2024. Vous pouvez assister à cette conférence en composant le 416-695-6725 dans la région de Toronto ou le 1-866-696-5910 pour toute autre région. Le code d'accès est le 6613383#. Prière de vous joindre à la conférence au moins 5 minutes à l’avance. Rapport de gestion États financiers Renseignements supplémentaires Webdiffusion de la conférence téléphonique (en anglais) Retour aux événements Événements

  • Release of Q3 2017 Financial and Operational Results

    Back to Events November 7, 2017 Release of Q3 2017 Financial and Operational Results Add to my Calendar Management's Discussion and Analysis (162.4 KB) Financial Statements (92.6 KB) Supplemental Disclosure (5.6 MB) Webcast of the Conference Call Back to Events Events

  • Yellow Pages Limited Reports Solid Financial and Operating Results in Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2020 and Declares a Cash Dividend(1)

    Press Releases Back to News Back to News Print Back to News Print Montreal (Quebec), — Yellow Pages Limited (TSX: Y) (the “Company”), a leading Canadian digital media and marketing company, released its operating and financial results today for the quarter and year ended December 31, 2020. “We finished the year with another good quarter, generating strong cash while continuing to lay the groundwork for the future,” said David A. Eckert, President and CEO of Yellow Pages Limited. Eckert commented on the key developments for the quarter: Solid quarterly earnings. “Our Adjusted EBITDA2 for the quarter was a healthy 36% of revenue, contributing to a full-year EBITDA margin2 of 39%, despite the COVID-19 crisis and our investments in revenue initiatives.” Cash continued to build. “As of the end of January, our cash on hand was approximately $164 million.” Common stock NCIB effective. “Under our NCIB program, at the end of the year the Company had purchased 273,190 common shares for cash of $3.3 million.” Quarterly cash dividend1 declared. “Our Board has declared a cash dividend of $0.11 per common share, to be paid on March 15, 2021 to shareholders of record as of February 26, 2021.” Debt-free by June 1. “We reconfirm our intention to pay off our Exchangeable Debentures, at par, which are our only remaining debt, excluding lease obligations, on or around May 31, 2021. Our cash on hand at the end of January already significantly exceeds the $107 million principal amount of that debt.” Modest effect of COVID-19. “We have managed such that the effect of the ongoing COVID-19 crisis on our financial results is only a handful of percentage points. Bookings trends indicate a stabilization, suggesting a more stable revenue curve over the next couple of quarters, as the sales levels already booked become reported revenue.” Progress on revenue initiatives. “To prepare for the future, we have doubled our tele-sales capacity to significantly ramp up our acquisition of new accounts and we are executing on our programs to add to our strong product portfolio.” Financial Highlights (In thousands of Canadian dollars, except percentage information and per share information) (1) The dividend will be designated as an eligible dividend pursuant to subsection 89(14) of the Income Tax Act (Canada) and any applicable provincial legislation pertaining to eligible dividends. (2) Adjusted EBITDA is equal to Income from operations before depreciation and amortization and restructuring and other charges (defined herein as Adjusted EBITDA), as shown in Yellow Pages Limited’s consolidated statements of income. Adjusted EBITDA, Adjusted EBITDA margin, CAPEX, Adjusted EBITDA less CAPEX, Adjusted EBITDA less CAPEX margin and Net debt excluding lease obligations are non-IFRS financial measures and do not have any standardized meaning under IFRS. Therefore, they are unlikely to be comparable to similar measures presented by other public companies. Refer to the section on Non-IFRS financial measures on page 5 of this document for more details. Fourth Quarter of 2020 Results Adjusted EBITDA less CAPEX1 totalled $26.2 million and the EBITDA less CAPEX margin1 was 34.1%. Net earnings decreased by $36.8 million to $16.8 million, or $0.58 per diluted share. Cash position at the end of the period was $153.5 million and approximately $163.7 million as at January 31, 2021. Segmented Information The Company’s operations are categorized into two reportable segments: YP and other. The YP segment provides small and medium-sized businesses across Canada digital and traditional marketing solutions, including online and mobile priority placement on Yellow Pages owned and operated media, content syndication, search engine solutions, website fulfillment, social media campaign management and digital display advertising, video production and print advertising. This segment also includes the digital directory service helping users find and connect with people and local businesses which was integrated with the Company’s wholly-owned subsidiary, Yellow Pages Digital & Media Solutions Limited, as at September 30, 2019. The Other segment includes YP Dine digital property allowing users to discover, search for and book local restaurants in addition to offering online ordering capabilities until its sale on April 30, 2019. This segment also includes Mediative until its liquidation on January 31, 2019. Mediative’s offers included dedicated marketing and performance media services to national clients Canada-wide. Subsequent to the second quarter of 2019, there are no longer any operations being reported in this segment. An overview of each segment and the performance of each segment for the three-month periods and years ended December 31, 2020 and 2019 can be found in the February 10, 2021 Management’s Discussion and Analysis. Financial Results for the Fourth Quarter of 2020 Total revenues for the fourth quarter ended December 31, 2020 decreased by 18.0% year-over-year and amounted to $76.7 million as compared to $93.5 million for the same period last year. The decrease for the quarter ended December 31, 2020 is due to the decline of our higher margin YP digital media and print products and to a lesser extent to our lower margin digital services products, thereby creating pressure on our gross profit margins. Revenues for the fourth quarter of 2020 were also impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic which impacted customer spend and to a lesser extent customer renewal rates. Adjusted EBITDA1 decreased to $27.6 million or 36.0% of revenues in the fourth quarter ended December 31, 2020, relative to $34.8 million or 37.2% of revenues for the same period last year. The decrease in Adjusted EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA margin1 in the three-month period ended December 31, 2020 is the result of the revenue pressures partially offset by efficiencies in sales and operations from optimization and reductions in other operating costs including reductions in our workforce and associated employee expenses, reductions in the Company’s office space footprint and other spending reductions across the segment. Revenue pressures, coupled with increased headcount in our salesforce partially offset by continued optimization, will create some pressure on margin in upcoming quarters. Adjusted EBITDA less CAPEX decreased by $6.6 million to $26.2 million during the fourth quarter of 2020, compared to $32.8 million during the same period last year. Net earnings for the three-month ended December 31, 2020 amounted to $16.8 million as compared to net earnings of $53.6 million for the same period last year due to higher recognition of previously unrecognized tax attributes and temporary differences in 2019. Earnings before taxes increased from $13.0 million in the fourth quarter of 2019 to $19.2 million for the three-month period ended December 31, 2020 as lower Adjusted EBITDA was more than offset by lower restructuring and other charges, financial charges and depreciation and amortization expenses. 1) Adjusted EBITDA is equal to Income from operations before depreciation and amortization and restructuring and other charges (defined herein as Adjusted EBITDA), as shown in Yellow Pages Limited’s consolidated statements of income. Adjusted EBITDA, Adjusted EBITDA margin, CAPEX, Adjusted EBITDA less CAPEX, Adjusted EBITDA less CAPEX margin and Net debt excluding lease obligations are non-IFRS financial measures and do not have any standardized meaning under IFRS. Therefore, they are unlikely to be comparable to similar measures presented by other public companies. Refer to the section on Non-IFRS financial measures on page 5 of this document for more details. Cash flows from operating activities increased by $3.4 million to $35.4 million for the three-month period ended December 31, 2020 from $32.0 million for the same period last year, mainly due to lower Adjusted EBITDA1 of $7.1 more than offset by an increase of $4.0 million from the change in operating assets and liabilities, lower interest paid of $4.8 million and lower payments of restructuring and other charges of $1.6 million. Financial Results for the Year Ended December 31, 2020 Revenues for the YP segment for the year ended December 31, 2020 decreased by $68.4 million or 17.0% year-over-year and amounted to $333.5 million compared to $401.9 million for the same period last year. The decrease for the year ended December 31, 2020 is due to the decline of our higher margin YP digital media and print products and to a lesser extent to our lower margin digital services products, thereby creating pressure on our gross profit margins. Revenues for 2020 were also impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic which impacted customer spend and to a lesser extent customer renewal rates. Adjusted EBITDA for the YP segment for the year ended December 31, 2020 totalled $129.4 million or 38.8% of revenues compared to $161.0 million or 40.1% of revenues for the same period last year. The decrease in Adjusted EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA margin1 for the year ended December 31, 2020 is the result of the overall revenue pressures in the segment partially offset by efficiencies in sales and operations from continued optimization and reductions in other operating costs including reductions in our workforce and associated employee expenses, reductions in the Company’s office space footprint and other spending reductions across the segment. In addition, the first quarter of 2019 was favorably impacted by an adjustment to the variable compensation expense due to employee attrition and previous year performances. Revenue pressures, coupled with increased headcount in our salesforce partially offset by continued optimization, will create some pressure on margin in upcoming quarters. Total revenues for the year ended December 31, 2020 decreased by 17.3% year-over-year and amounted to $333.5 million as compared to $403.2 million for the same period last year. Adjusted EBITDA decreased by 19.8% to $129.4 million or 38.8% of revenues for the year ended December 31, 2020, relative to $161.3 million or 40.0% of revenues for the same period last year. The year-over-year results for the year ended December 31, 2020 were attributable to the YP Segment. Adjusted EBITDA less CAPEX1 decreased by $27.7 million to $123.9 million for the year ended December 31, 2020, compared to $151.6 million during the same period last year. Net earnings for the year ended December 31, 2020 amounted to $60.3 million as compared to net earnings of $94.7 million for the same period last year due to higher recognition of previously unrecognized tax attributes and temporary differences in 2019. Earnings before taxes increased from $69.8 million in 2019 to $78.7 million for the year-ended December 31, 2020 as lower Adjusted EBITDA was more than offset by lower restructuring and other charges, financial charges and depreciation and amortization expenses. Cash flows from operating activities decreased by $17.8 million to $127.0 million for the year ended December 31, 2020 from $144.8 million for the same period last year. The decrease is mainly due to lower Adjusted EBITDA of $31.9 million and a reduction of $9.9 million from the change in operating assets and liabilities offset by the lower interest paid of $16.1 million and lower payments for restructuring and other charges of $8.0 million. As at December 31, 2020, the Company had $154.0 million of total debt, compared to $156.4 million as at December 31, 2019. As at December 31, 2020, the Company had ($52.4) million net debt excluding lease obligations1, compared to $54.1 million net debt excluding lease obligations as at December 31, 2019. 1) Adjusted EBITDA is equal to Income from operations before depreciation and amortization and restructuring and other charges (defined herein as Adjusted EBITDA), as shown in Yellow Pages Limited’s consolidated statements of income. Adjusted EBITDA, Adjusted EBITDA margin, CAPEX, Adjusted EBITDA less CAPEX, Adjusted EBITDA less CAPEX margin and Net debt excluding lease obligations are non-IFRS financial measures and do not have any standardized meaning under IFRS. Therefore, they are unlikely to be comparable to similar measures presented by other public companies. Refer to the section on Non-IFRS financial measures on page 5 of this document for more details. Conference Call & Webcast Yellow Pages Limited will hold an analyst and media call and simultaneous webcast at 8:30 a.m. (Eastern Time) on February 11, 2021 to discuss fourth quarter 2020 results. The call may be accessed by dialing 416-695-6725 within the Toronto area, or 1-866-696-5910 outside of Toronto, Passcode # 8577790. Please be prepared to join the conference at least 5 minutes prior to the conference start time. The call will be simultaneously webcast on the Company’s website at: . The conference call will be archived in the Investors section of the site at: . About Yellow Pages Limited Yellow Pages Limited (TSX: Y) is a Canadian digital media and marketing company that creates opportunities for buyers and sellers to interact and transact in the local economy. Yellow Pages holds some of Canada’s leading local online properties including , Canada411 and . The Company also holds the YP, Canada411 and 411 mobile applications and Yellow Pages print directories. For more information visit . Caution Concerning Forward-Looking Statements This press release contains forward-looking statements about the objectives, strategies, financial conditions, including potential full repayment of the Company’s remaining exchangeable debentures on or shortly after May 31, 2021, at par; to its common shareholders, a cash dividend payment of $0.11 per share per quarter;and results of operations and businesses of the Company. These statements are forward-looking as they are based on our current expectations, as at February 10, 2021, about our business and the markets we operate in, and on various estimates and assumptions. Our actual results could materially differ from our expectations if known or unknown risks affect our business, or if our estimates or assumptions turn out to be inaccurate. As a result, there is no assurance that any forward-looking statements will materialize. Risks that could cause our results to differ materially from our current expectations are discussed in section 5 of our February 10, 2021 Management’s Discussion and Analysis. We disclaim any intention or obligation to update any forward-looking statements, except as required by law, even if new information becomes available, as a result of future events or for any other reason. Contacts: Investors Franco Sciannamblo Senior Vice-President and Chief Financial Officer Media John Ireland Senior Vice-President, Organizational Effectiveness Non-IFRS Financial Measures Adjusted EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA margin In order to provide a better understanding of the results, the Company uses the terms Adjusted EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA margin. Adjusted EBITDA is equal to Income from operations before depreciation and amortization and restructuring and other charges (defined herein as Adjusted EBITDA), as shown in Yellow Pages Limited’s consolidated statements of income. Adjusted EBITDA margin is defined as the percentage of Adjusted EBITDA to revenues. Adjusted EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA margin are not performance measures defined under IFRS and are not considered an alternative to income from operations or net earnings in the context of measuring Yellow Pages performance. Adjusted EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA margin do not have a standardized meaning under IFRS and are therefore not likely to be comparable to similar measures used by other publicly traded companies. Adjusted EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA margin should not be used as exclusive measures of cash flow since they do not account for the impact of working capital changes, income taxes, interest payments, pension funding, capital expenditures, business acquisitions, debt principal reductions and other sources and uses of cash, which are disclosed on page 26 of our February 10, 2021 MD&A. Management uses Adjusted EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA margin to evaluate the performance of its business as it reflects its ongoing profitability. Management believes that certain investors and analysts use Adjusted EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA margin to measure a company’s ability to service debt and to meet other payment obligations or as common measurement to value companies in the media and marketing solutions industry as well as to evaluate the performance of a business. Adjusted EBITDA less CAPEX and Adjusted EBITDA less CAPEX margin The Company also uses Adjusted EBITDA less CAPEX, which is defined as Adjusted EBITDA, as defined above, less CAPEX which we define as additions to intangible assets and additions to property and equipment as reported in the Investing Activities section of the Company’s consolidated statements of cash flows. Adjusted EBITDA less CAPEX margin is defined as the percentage of Adjusted EBITDA less CAPEX to revenues. Adjusted EBITDA less CAPEX and Adjusted EBITDA less CAPEX margin are non-IFRS financial measures and do not have any standardized meaning under IFRS. Therefore, are unlikely to be comparable to similar measures presented by other publicly traded companies. We use Adjusted EBITDA less CAPEX and Adjusted EBITDA less CAPEX margin to evaluate the performance of our business as it reflects cash generated from business activities. We believe that certain investors and analysts use Adjusted EBITDA less CAPEX and Adjusted EBITDA less CAPEX margin to evaluate the performance of businesses in our industry. The most comparable IFRS financial measure to Adjusted EBITDA less Capex is Income from operations before depreciation and amortization and restructuring and other charges (defined above as Adjusted EBITDA) as shown in Yellow Pages Limited’s consolidated statements of income. Refer to page 5 and page 10 of the February 10, 2021 MD&A for a reconciliation of CAPEX and Adjusted EBITDA less CAPEX, respectively. Net debt excluding lease obligations Net debt excluding lease obligations is a non-IFRS financial measure and does not have any standardized meaning under IFRS. Therefore, it is unlikely to be comparable to similar measures presented by other publicly traded companies. Net debt excluding lease obligations is comprised of Exchangeable debentures less Cash as presented in our consolidated statements of financial position. We use net debt as indicator of the Company's ability to cover financial obligations and reduce debt and associated interest charge as it represents the amount of debt excluding lease obligations that is not covered by available cash. We believe that certain investors and analysts use net debt to determine a company’s financial leverage. The most comparable IFRS financial measure is total debt, as presented in the capital disclosures note on page 48 of our consolidated financial statements for the years ended 2020 and 2019. The table below provides a reconciliation of total debt to net debt excluding lease obligations. Yellow Pages Limited Reports Solid Financial and Operating Results in Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2020 and Declares a Cash Dividend(1)

  • Yellow Pages Limited Reports Strong Third Quarter 2022 Financial and Operating Results and Declares a Cash Dividend(1)

    Press Releases Back to News Back to News Print Back to News Print Montreal (Quebec), November 10, 2022 — Yellow Pages Limited (TSX: Y) (the “Company”), a leading Canadian digital media and marketing company, released its operating and financial results today for the quarter and nine months ended September 30, 2022. “Today we report continued strong profitability and yet more progress toward revenue stability,” said David A. Eckert, President and CEO of Yellow Pages Limited. Eckert commented on the key developments: Ever closer to revenue stability. “For the eighth consecutive quarter since COVID-19 hit, and the thirteenth of the last fifteen quarters overall, we report a favorable ‘bending of the revenue curve’ in Q3, with a better rate of change in revenue than reported for the previous quarter.” Strong quarterly earnings. “Our Adjusted EBITDA2 for the quarter was 39.8% of revenue, even higher than last year’s third quarter, despite our continued, productive investments in revenue initiatives and evolving product mix.” Cash to Shareholders and to Pension Plan. “On October 4, 2022, we completed the previously announced plan of arrangement. The Company used $100 million of discretionary cash to buy back the Company’s shares and contributed $12 million of the planned $24 million voluntary contributions to the Defined Benefit Pension Plan (the “Pension Plan”). The remaining voluntary contributions to the Pension Plan will be made by the end of the year as necessitated by the plan of arrangement. In addition, consistent with our previously announced deficit-reduction plan, in the third quarter of 2022, we made $1 million of voluntary incremental payments toward our Pension Plan’s wind-up deficit.” Healthy cash balance. “Even after the disbursements to shareholders and the Pension Plan, our cash balance at the end of October was approximately $39 million.” Quarterly dividend declared. “Our Board has declared a dividend of $0.15 per common share, to be paid on December 15, 2022 to shareholders of record as of November 24, 2022.” (1) The dividend will be designated as an eligible dividend pursuant to subsection 89(14) of the Income Tax Act (Canada) and any applicable provincial legislation pertaining to eligible dividends. (2) Adjusted EBITDA is equal to Income from operations before depreciation and amortization and restructuring and other charges (defined herein as Adjusted EBITDA), as shown in Yellow Pages Limited’s interim condensed consolidated statements of income. Adjusted EBITDA, Adjusted EBITDA margin, CAPEX, Adjusted EBITDA less CAPEX and Adjusted EBITDA less CAPEX margin are non-GAAP financial measures and do not have any standardized meaning under IFRS. Therefore, they are unlikely to be comparable to similar measures presented by other public companies. Refer to the section on Non-GAAP financial measures on page 4 of this document for more details. Third Quarter of 2022 Results Total revenues decreased 6.5% year-over-year and amounted to $66.3 million for the three-month period ended September 30, 2022, an improvement from the decrease of 6.7% reported last quarter. Adjusted EBITDA less CAPEX1 totalled $25.1 million and the EBITDA less CAPEX margin1 was 37.9%. Net earnings increased to $16.7 million, or to $0.60 per diluted share. Financial Results for the Third Quarter of 2022 Total revenues for the third quarter ended September 30, 2022 decreased by 6.5% to $66.3 million, as compared to $70.9 million for the same period last year. The decrease in revenues is mainly due to the decline of our higher margin digital media and print products and to a lesser extent to our lower margin digital services products, thereby creating pressure on our gross profit margins. The decline rates for total revenues, digital revenues and print revenues all improved significantly year-over-year. Total revenue decline of 6.5% this quarter compares to a decline of 11.7% reported for the same period last year. Digital revenue decline of 5.0% this quarter compares to a decline of 10.3% reported for the same period last year. Print revenue decline of 11.7% this quarter compares to a decline of 16.0% reported for the same period last year. These improvements were due to better spend per customer, increased renewal rates as well as improvement in customer claims. The improved customer spend per customer is due in part to increased pricing. Adjusted EBITDA1 decreased by $0.2 million or 0.9% to $26.4 million for the three-month period ended September 30, 2022, compared to $26.6 million for the same period last year. The Adjusted EBITDA margin1 increased by 2.3% to 39.8% for the third quarter of 2022 compared to 37.5% for the same period last year. The decrease in Adjusted EBITDA is the result of revenue pressures as well as ongoing investments in our tele-sales force capacity, partially offset by price increases, the efficiencies from optimization in cost of sales, reductions in other operating costs including reductions in our workforce and associated employee expenses, the decrease in bad debt expense and the decrease in cash-settled stock-based compensation expense. Revenue pressures, coupled with increased headcount in our salesforce partially offset by continued optimization, will continue to cause some pressure on margin in upcoming quarters. Adjusted EBITDA less CAPEX decreased by $0.2 million or 0.9% to $25.1 million for the three-month period ended September 30, 2022, compared to $25.3 million for the same period last year. The decrease is driven by the decrease in Adjusted EBITDA. The adjusted EBITDA less CAPEX margin has increased to 37.9% for the third quarter of 2022 from 35.7% for the same period last year. Net earnings increased to $16.7 million for the three-month period ended September 30, 2022 compared to net earnings of $13.7 million, for the same period last year. The increase in net earnings of $3.0 million for the three-month period ended September 30, 2022, compared to the same period last year, is explained principally by the decrease in Adjusted EBITDA1 and higher provision for income taxes, being more than offset by decreases in depreciation and amortization, restructuring and other charges and financial charges. Cash flows from operating activities decreased by $3.8 million to $20.9 million for the three-month period ended September 30, 2022. The decrease is mainly due to lower Adjusted EBITDA of $0.2 million and to a decrease of $6.2 million from the change in operating assets and liabilities, partially offset by income taxes received of $0.4 million, lower funding of post-employment benefit plans of $0.6 million, lower stock-based compensation cash payments of $1.0 million and lower restructuring and other charges paid of $0.8 million. The change in operating assets and liabilities is mainly due to the timing in the collection of trade receivables and the timing of payment of trade payables as well as the impact of the share price on cash settled share-based compensation. As at September 30, 2022, the Company had $144.7 million of cash. (1) Adjusted EBITDA is equal to Income from operations before depreciation and amortization and restructuring and other charges (defined herein as Adjusted EBITDA), as shown in Yellow Pages Limited’s interim condensed consolidated statements of income. Adjusted EBITDA, Adjusted EBITDA margin, CAPEX, Adjusted EBITDA less CAPEX, Adjusted EBITDA less CAPEX margin are non-GAAP financial measures and do not have any standardized meaning under IFRS. Therefore, they are unlikely to be comparable to similar measures presented by other public companies. Refer to the section on Non-GAAP financial measures on page 4 of this document for more details. Plan of Arrangement On August 4, 2022, the Board approved a distribution to shareholders of approximately $100.0 million by way of a share repurchase from all shareholders pursuant to a statutory arrangement under the Business Corporations Act (British Columbia) (the ‘’Arrangement’’). Under the Arrangement, the Company will also advance the previously announced voluntary incremental cash contributions to the Defined Benefit Pension Plan’s (the “Pension Plan”) wind-up deficit by an amount of $24.0 million during the year ending December 31, 2022. The shareholders of the Company (the “Shareholders”) approved the Arrangement at a special meeting of the Shareholders held on September 23, 2022 and the Company subsequently obtained the final order from the Supreme Court of British Columbia approving the Arrangement on September 27, 2022. On October 4, 2022, the Company repurchased from shareholders pro rata an aggregate of 7,949,125 common shares at a purchase price of $12.58 per share pursuant to the plan of arrangement. During October 2022, also pursuant to the plan of arrangement, the Company advanced $12.0 million to the Pension Plan’s wind-up deficit and will advance the additional $12.0 million prior to December 31, 2022. Conference Call & Webcast Yellow Pages Limited will hold an analyst and media call and simultaneous webcast at 8:30 a.m. (Eastern Time) on November 10, 2022 to discuss third quarter 2022 results. The call may be accessed by dialing 416-695-6725 within the Toronto area, or 1-866-696-5910 outside of Toronto, Passcode 2713953#. Please be prepared to join the conference at least 5 minutes prior to the conference start time. The call will be simultaneously webcast on the Company’s website at: . The conference call will be archived in the Investors section of the site at: . About Yellow Pages Limited Yellow Pages Limited (TSX: Y) is a Canadian digital media and marketing company that creates opportunities for buyers and sellers to interact and transact in the local economy. Yellow Pages holds some of Canada’s leading local online properties including , Canada411 and . The Company also holds the YP, Canada411 and 411 mobile applications and Yellow Pages print directories. For more information visit . Caution Concerning Forward-Looking Statements This press release contains forward-looking statements about the objectives, strategies, financial conditions and results of operations and businesses of YP (including, without limitation, payment of a cash dividend per share per quarter to its common shareholders). These statements are forward-looking as they are based on our current expectations, as at November 9, 2022, about our business and the markets we operate in, and on various estimates and assumptions. Our actual results could materially differ from our expectations if known or unknown risks affect our business, or if our estimates or assumptions turn out to be inaccurate. As a result, there is no assurance that any forward-looking statements will materialize. Risks that could cause our results to differ materially from our current expectations are discussed in section 5 of our November 9, 2022 Management’s Discussion and Analysis. We disclaim any intention or obligation to update any forward-looking statements, except as required by law, even if new information becomes available, as a result of future events or for any other reason. Contacts: Investors Franco Sciannamblo Senior Vice-President and Chief Financial Officer Media Treena Cooper Senior Vice President, Secretary and General Counsel Non-GAAP Financial Measures Adjusted EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA margin In order to provide a better understanding of the results, the Company uses the terms Adjusted EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA margin. Adjusted EBITDA is equal to Income from operations before depreciation and amortization and restructuring and other charges (defined herein as Adjusted EBITDA), as shown in Yellow Pages Limited’s interim condensed consolidated statements of income. Adjusted EBITDA margin is defined as the percentage of Adjusted EBITDA to revenues. Adjusted EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA margin are not performance measures defined under IFRS and are not considered an alternative to income from operations or net earnings in the context of measuring Yellow Pages performance. Adjusted EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA margin do not have a standardized meaning under IFRS and are therefore not likely to be comparable to similar measures used by other publicly traded companies. Adjusted EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA margin should not be used as exclusive measures of cash flow since they do not account for the impact of working capital changes, income taxes, interest payments, pension funding, capital expenditures, business acquisitions, debt principal reductions and other sources and uses of cash, which are disclosed on page 14 of our November 9, 2022 MD&A. Management uses Adjusted EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA margin to evaluate the performance of its business as it reflects its ongoing profitability. Management believes that certain investors and analysts use Adjusted EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA margin to measure a company’s ability to service debt and to meet other payment obligations or as common measurement to value companies in the media and marketing solutions industry as well as to evaluate the performance of a business. Adjusted EBITDA less CAPEX and Adjusted EBITDA less CAPEX margin The Company also uses Adjusted EBITDA less CAPEX, which is defined as Adjusted EBITDA, as defined above, less CAPEX which we define as additions to intangible assets and additions to property and equipment as reported in the Investing Activities section of the Company’s interim condensed consolidated statements of cash flows. Adjusted EBITDA less CAPEX margin is defined as the percentage of Adjusted EBITDA less CAPEX to revenues. Adjusted EBITDA less CAPEX and Adjusted EBITDA less CAPEX margin are non-GAAP financial measures and do not have any standardized meaning under IFRS. Therefore, are unlikely to be comparable to similar measures presented by other publicly traded companies. We use Adjusted EBITDA less CAPEX and Adjusted EBITDA less CAPEX margin to evaluate the performance of our business as it reflects cash generated from business activities. We believe that certain investors and analysts use Adjusted EBITDA less CAPEX and Adjusted EBITDA less CAPEX margin to evaluate the performance of businesses in our industry. The most comparable IFRS financial measure to Adjusted EBITDA less Capex is Income from operations before depreciation and amortization and restructuring and other charges (defined above as Adjusted EBITDA) as shown in Yellow Pages Limited’s interim condensed consolidated statements of income. Refer to page 9 of the November 9, 2022 MD&A for a reconciliation of Adjusted EBITDA less CAPEX. Yellow Pages Limited Reports Strong Third Quarter 2022 Financial and Operating Results and Declares a Cash Dividend(1)

  • Q4 2013 and Full Year 2013 Financial and Operational Results

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