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  • Best Practices: MDM at the Heart of Content Accuracy and Relevance - New York

    Back to Events October 7, 2014 Best Practices: MDM at the Heart of Content Accuracy and Relevance - New York Add to my Calendar Back to Events Events

  • Q4 2013 and Full Year 2013 Financial and Operational Results

    Back to Events February 13, 2014 Q4 2013 and Full Year 2013 Financial and Operational Results Add to my Calendar Management's Discussion and Analysis (480.6 KB) Financial Statements (338.0 KB) Supplemental Disclosure (524.6 KB) Fact Sheet (3.7 MB) Back to Events Events

  • User Group Presentation: Big Data & Yellow Analytics Demonstration

    Back to Events November 25, 2014 User Group Presentation: Big Data & Yellow Analytics Demonstration Add to my Calendar Back to Events Events

  • Conference details

    Back to Events ​ Conference details Add to my Calendar Back to Events Events

  • YP Digital Breakfast (with Google) - Toronto

    Back to Events May 26, 2015 YP Digital Breakfast (with Google) - Toronto Add to my Calendar Back to Events Events

  • Soirée spectacle-Journée Excellence Olympique Canada- Pages Jaunes

    Partenaire or Soirée-spectacle More Partenaire or Soirée-spectacle Journée Excellence Olympique Canada Le Comité olympique canadien (COC) organise aussi à compter de 20 h une soirée-spectacle présentée par Pages Jaunes pour célébrer l’inauguration de la nouvelle Maison olympique canadienne au 500, boulevard René-Lévesque Ouest, à l’angle de Beaver Hall, à Montréal. La troupe de percussion Samajam donnera le ton à la fête avec ses airs brésiliens. Les musiciens inviteront les gens dans la foule à être partie prenante du spectacle. La mascotte d’Équipe Canada, Komak, accueillera ses amis PACHI des Jeux panaméricains TORONTO 2015 et Vinicius de Rio 2016. Plus tard en soirée, des grands noms de la chanson québécoise et des acrobates du Cirque du Soleil assureront la transition vers le moment fort de la soirée : la montée des anneaux olympiques au toit de l’immeuble où ils illumineront en permanence le ciel montréalais, une première mondiale en vertu des nouvelles règles qui en régissent l’usage.

  • Yellow Pages Limited Obtains Final Order for Arrangement from the Supreme Court of British Columbia

    Communiqués de presse Back to News Retour aux nouvelles Print Retour aux nouvelles Print Montréal (Québec), le 5 décembre 2023 - Pages Jaunes Limitée (TSX : Y) (la « Société »), un chef de file en matière de médias numériques et de solutions marketing au Canada, a annoncé aujourd’hui l’obtention d’une ordonnance définitive de la Cour suprême de la Colombie-Britannique approuvant l'arrangement préalablement annoncé par la Société en vertu de la loi de Colombie-Britannique intitulée Business Corporations Act (l’« arrangement »). Aux termes de l’arrangement, la Société rachètera aux actionnaires, au prorata, un total de 4,440,497 actions ordinaires au prix de rachat de 11,26 $ par action, soit le cours moyen pondéré en fonction du volume pendant les cinq jours de bourse consécutifs se terminant le jour de bourse précédant immédiatement le 19 octobre 2023. La Société avancera également les cotisations en espèces supplémentaires facultatives annoncées préalablement d’un montant de 12 millions de dollars en vue de réduire le déficit attribuable à la résiliation du régime à prestations déterminées de la Société (le « régime de retraite ») au cours de l’exercice se clôturant le 31 décembre 2023, ce qui portera les paiements en espèces de 2023 au déficit attribuable à la résiliation du régime de retraite à 18 millions de dollars d'ici la fin de l'année. L'arrangement entrera en vigueur à 23 h 59 (heure de l'Est) le 12 décembre 2023 (la « date effective »). À la date effective, la Société remettra à la Compagnie Trust TSX, à titre d'agent payeur, des fonds suffisants pour régler la contrepartie globale payable aux actionnaires aux termes de l'arrangement. Il est prévu que les actionnaires reçoivent le paiement de leurs actions rachetées le 15 décembre 2023. Des renseignements supplémentaires concernant les modalités de l'arrangement figurent dans la circulaire de sollicitation de procurations de la direction de la Société datée du 27 octobre 2023, qui est disponible sous le profil de la Société à l'adresse et sur le site Web de la Société à l'adresse . À propos de Pages Jaunes Limitée Pages Jaunes Limitée (TSX : Y) est une société canadienne de médias numériques et de solutions marketing qui offre des occasions aux vendeurs et aux acheteurs d’interagir et de faire des affaires au sein de l’économie locale. Pages Jaunes détient certains des principaux médias locaux en ligne au Canada, notamment , Canada411 et . La Société détient également les applications mobiles PJ, Canada411 et 411 ainsi que les annuaires imprimés Pages Jaunes. Pour plus d’information, visitez notre site Web à . Mise en garde concernant les énoncés prospectifs Le présent communiqué de presse contient des déclarations prospectives sur l’arrangement au sens des lois sur les valeurs mobilières applicables. La réalisation de l'arrangement est soumise à un certain nombre de risques. Les risques qui pourraient faire en sorte que nos résultats diffèrent sensiblement de nos attentes actuelles et qui pourraient avoir une incidence sur l'arrangement sont abordés à la section 5 de notre rapport de gestion du 8 août 2023. Nous n’avons aucune intention ni ne nous engageons à le faire, sauf si cela est exigé conformément à la loi, de mettre à jour les déclarations prospectives même si de nouveaux renseignements venaient à notre connaissance, par suite d’événements futurs ou pour toute autre raison . Personnes-ressources : Investisseurs et médias Franco Sciannamblo Premier vice-président et chef de la direction financière Pages Jaunes Limitée obtient une ordonnance définitive d'arrangement de la Cour suprême de la Colombie-Britannique

  • Financial Reports - Financial Investors - Yellow Pages Canada

    2024 Annual Filings Q1 Management's Discussion and Analysis Financial Statements Supplemental Disclosure Webcast of Conference Call Q2 Management's Discussion and Analysis Financial Statements Supplemental Disclosure Webcast of Conference Call Q3 Q4 2023 Annual Filings Annual Report Management Proxy Circular Annual Information Form Modern Slavery Act Report Q1 Management's Discussion and Analysis Financial Statements Supplemental Disclosure Webcast of Conference Call Q2 Management's Discussion & Analysis Financial Statements Supplemental Disclosure Webcast of Conference Call Q3 Management's Discussion & Analysis Financial Statements Supplemental Disclosure Webcast of Conference Call Q4 Management's Discussion & Analysis Financial Statements Supplemental Disclosure Webcast of Conference Call 2022 Annual Filings Annual Report Management Proxy Circular Annual Information Form Q1 Management's Discussion and Analysis (211.8 KB) Financial Statements (186.7 KB) Supplemental Disclosure (6.2 MB) Webcast of the Conference Call Q2 Management's Discussion and Analysis (846.0 KB) Financial Statements (640.0 KB) Supplemental Disclosure (6.2 MB) Webcast of the Conference Call Q3 Management's Discussion and Analysis (227.1 KB) Financial Statements (210.8 KB) Supplemental Disclosure (768.7 KB) Webcast of the Conference Call Q4 Management's Discussion and Analysis (283 KB) Financial Statements (939 KB) Supplemental Disclosure (6.4 MB) 2021 Annual Filings Annual Report (1.5 MB) Management Proxy Circular (1.6 MB) Annual Information Form (594.9 KB) Q1 Management’s Discussion and Analysis (189.5 KB) Financial Statements (195.9 KB) Supplemental Disclosure (988.5 KB) Webcast of the Conference Call (10.8 MB) Q2 Management's Discussion and Analysis (196.9 KB) Financial Statements (201.0 KB) Supplemental Disclosure (949.4 KB) Webcast of the Conference Call Q3 Management's Discussion and Analysis (198.7 KB) Financial Statements (203.8 KB) Supplemental Disclosure (6.1 MB) Webcast of the Conference Call Q4 Management's Discussion and Analysis (285.6 KB) Financial Statements (428.4 KB) Supplemental Disclosure (6.2 MB) Webcast of the Conference Call 2020 Annual Filings Annual Report (443.4 KB) Management Proxy Circular (741.0 KB) Annual Information Form (561.2 KB) Q1 Management Discussion and Analysis (106.2 KB) Financial Statements (104.5 KB) Supplemental Disclosure (1.5 MB) Webcast of Conference Call (2.3 MB) Q2 Press Release (61.5 KB) Management Discussion and Analysis (119.5 KB) Financial Statements (117.2 KB) Supplemental Disclosure (1.3 MB) Q3 Press Release (56.6 KB) Management Discussion and Analysis (122.1 KB) Financial Statements (121.2 KB) Supplemental Disclosure (4.5 MB) Webcast of the Conference Call Q4 Press Release (221.3 KB) Management Discussion and Analysis (295.2 KB) Financial Statements (438.7 KB) Supplemental Disclosure (6.2 MB) Webcast of the Conference Call 2019 Annual Filings Annual Report (419.9 KB) Management Proxy Circular (1.7 MB) Annual Information Form (601.1 KB) Q1 Management Discussion and Analysis (106.8 KB) Supplemental Disclosur e (1.3 MB) Financial Statements (108.9 KB) Webcast of the Conference Call Q2 Management Discussion and Analysis (118.9 KB) Financial Statements (83.7 KB) Supplemental Disclosure (1.3 MB) Webcast of the Conference Call Q3 Management Discussion and Analysis (120.7 KB) Financial Statements (87.3 KB) Supplemental Disclosure (1.3 MB) Webcast of the Conference Call Q4 Management Discussion and Analysis (216.9 KB) Financial Statements (319.9 KB) Press Release (86.9 KB) Supplemental Disclosure (1.5 MB) Webcast of the Conference Call 2018 Annual Filings Annual Report (979.1 KB) Management Proxy Circular (758.3 KB) Annual Information Form (359.5 KB) Q1 Management Discussion and Analysis (213.7 KB) Supplemental Disclosure (1.5 MB) Financial Statements (234.8 KB) Webcast of the conference call (2.7 MB) Q2 Management Discussion and Analysis (154.5 KB) Supplemental Disclosure (1.5 MB) Financial Statements (112.0 KB) Webcast of the conference call (4.4 MB) Q3 Management Discussion and Analysis (162.1 KB) Supplemental Disclosure (1.4 MB) Financial Statements (122.1 KB) Webcast of the Conference Call Q4 Press Releases (33.7 KB) Management Discussion and Analysis (250.0 KB) Supplemental Disclosure (1.2 MB) Financial Statements (325.2 KB) Webcast of the Conference Call 2017 Annual Filings Annual Report (710.6 KB) Management Proxy Circular (722.7 KB) Annual Information Form (578.3 KB) Q1 Management's Discussion and Analysis (130.4 KB) Webcast of the conference call (2.7 MB) Financial Statements (67.9 KB) Supplemental Disclosure (500.4 KB) Presentation (3.0 MB) Q2 Management’s Discussion and Analysis (153.3 KB) Financial Statements (102.9 KB) Supplemental Disclosure (5.6 MB) Webcast of the Conference Call Q3 Management's Discussion and Analysis (162.4 KB) Financial Statements (92.6 KB) Supplemental Disclosure (5.6 MB) Webcast of the Conference Call Q4 Management's Discussion and Analysis (257.1 KB) Supplemental Disclosure (5.6 MB) Financial Statements (249.3 KB) Webcast of the Conference Call 2016 Annual Filings Annual Report (1.6 MB) Management Proxy Circula r (2.4 MB) Supplement to the Management Proxy Circular (951.1 KB) Annual Information Form (714.7 KB) Q1 Management's Discussion and Analysis (184.0 KB) Financial Statements (126.7 KB) Supplemental Disclosure (1.6 MB) Webcast of the Conference Call Q2 Management's Discussion and Analysis (127.7 KB) Financial Statements (84.2 KB) Supplemental Disclosure (767.5 KB) Webcast of the Conference Call Q3 Management's Discussion and Analysis (127.3 KB) Financial Statements (82.9 KB) Supplemental Disclosure (769.1 KB) Webcast of the Conference Call Q4 Management's Discussion and Analysis (239.6 KB) Financial Statements (259.6 KB) Supplemental Disclosure (1.2 MB) Webcast of the Conference Call 2015 Annual Filings Annual Report Video Annual Report (5.0 MB) Annual Information Form (726.7 KB) Management Proxy Circula r (2.3 MB) Q1 Management's Discussion and Analysis (173.1 KB) Financial Statements (122.9 KB) Supplemental Disclosure (267.0 KB) Fact Sheet (415.7 KB) Webcast of the Conference Call Q2 Management's Discussion and Analysis (177.0 KB) Financial Statements (134.9 KB) Supplemental Disclosure (324.7 KB) Fact Sheet (404.7 KB) Webcast of the Conference Call Q3 Management's Discussion and Analysis (179.4 KB) Financial Statements (136.6 KB) Supplemental Disclosure (5.8 MB) Fact Sheet (404.4 KB) Webcast of the Conference Call Q4 Management's Discussion and Analysi s (252.3 KB) Financial Statements (310.3 KB) Supplemental Disclosure (5.8 MB) Fact Sheet (404.3 KB) Webcast of the Conference Call 2014 Annual Filings Online Annual Report Annual Report (8.9 MB) Annual Information Form (725.2 KB) Management Proxy Circular (2.5 MB) Q1 Management's Discussion and Analysis (207.0 KB) Financial Statements (117.7 KB) Supplemental Disclosure (685.7 KB) Fact Sheet (3.7 MB) Webcast of the Conference Call Q2 Management's Discussion and Analysis (213.4 KB) Financial Statements (147.3 KB) Supplemental Disclosure (686.5 KB) Fact Sheet (3.1 MB) Webcast of the Conference Call Q3 Management's Discussion and Analysis (191.2 KB) Financial Statements (129.6 KB) Supplemental Disclosur e (315.5 KB) Fact Sheet (2.9 MB) Webcast of the Conference Call Q4 Management's Discussion and Analysis (274.3 KB) Financial Statements (315.1 KB) Supplemental Disclosure (297.6 KB) Fact Sheet (701.2 KB) Webcast of the Conference Call 2013 Annual Filings Online Annual Report Annual Report (5.6 MB) Annual Information Form (404.6 KB) Management Proxy Circular (3.6 MB) Annual Report Video (417.9 MB) Q1 Management's Discussion and Analysis (270.0 KB) Financial Statements (130.5 KB) Supplemental Disclosure (549.2 KB) Fact Sheet (2.3 MB) Q2 Management's Discussion and Analysis (341.1 KB) Financial Statements (150.0 KB) Supplemental Disclosure (854.6 KB) Fact Sheet (2.6 MB) Q3 Management's Discussion and Analysis (431.3 KB) Financial Statements (160.6 KB) Supplemental Disclosure (501.5 KB) Fact Sheet (3.2 MB) Q4 Management's Discussion and Analysis (480.6 KB) Financial Statements (338.0 KB) Supplemental Disclosure (524.6 KB) Fact Sheet (3.7 MB) 2012 Annual Filings Online Annual Report Annual Report (2.9 MB) Annual Information Form (394.4 KB) Management Proxy Circular (2.3 MB) Q1 Management's Discussion and Analysis (176.7 KB) Financial Statements (139.7 KB) Supplemental Disclosure (797.3 KB) Fact Sheet (3.8 MB) Q2 Management's Discussion and Analysis (200.7 KB) Financial Statements (165.4 KB) Supplemental Disclosur e (804.8 KB) Fact Sheet (2.3 MB) Q3 Management's Discussion and Analysis (221.1 KB) Financial Statements (172.0 KB) Supplemental Disclosure (1.3 MB) Fact Sheet (2.3 MB) Q4 Management's Discussion and Analysis (272.0 KB) F inancial Statements ( 342.2 KB) Supplemental Disclosure (1.2 MB) Fact Sheet (2.4 MB) 2011 Annual Filings Online Annual Report Annual Report (5.2 MB) Annual Information Form (913.2 KB) Management Proxy Circular (1.5 MB) Q1 Management's Discussion and Analysis (146.4 KB) Financial Statements (301.8 KB) Supplemental Disclosure (754.7 KB) Fact Sheet (2.9 MB) Q2 Management's Discussion and Analysis (260.3 KB) Financial Statements (206.3 KB) Supplemental Disclosure (757.9 KB) Fact Sheet (3.5 MB) Q3 Management's Discussion and Analysis (176.6 KB) Financial Statements (225.6 KB) Supplemental Disclosur e (736.5 KB) Fact Sheet (3.5 MB) Q4 Management's Discussion and Analysis (250.4 KB) Financial Statements (414.7 KB) Supplemental Disclosure (757.2 KB) Fact Sheet (3.5 MB) Webcast of the Conference Call Special Meeting of Shareholders November 30, 2023 Special Meeting Notice of Special Meeting of Shareholders and Management Proxy Circular Reports & Filings Stay Connected Sign up to automatically receive email alerts from Yellow Pages Limited Sign Up Thank you for subscribing to Yellow Pages' distribution list. An activation email will be sent to you shortly. You may unsubscribe from our email alerts at any time. Please refer to our privacy policy or contact us for more details. Please consult for additional reports and filings on Yellow Pages Limited

  • Privacy Statement - Legal Notice - Yellow Pages Canada

    Yellow Pages Digital & Media Solutions Limited (together with its subsidiaries « we », « us », « YP ») has created this privacy statement (the “Statement”) and is firmly committed to the protection of your privacy. Yellow Pages Digital & Media Solutions Limited is a corporation organized under the laws of British Colombia, with headquarters at 8.300-1751 Rue Richardson, Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3K 1G6. We are committed to the protection and respect of your privacy. This Statement describes who we are, how we collect, store, use, share, and secure the personal information of individuals using any website owned by us (each, a “YP Website”). This Statement reflects the requirements of Canada’s Federal and Provincial privacy legislation as well as our continuous commitment to protecting your personal information. BY USING A YP WEBSITE, YOU AGREE TO BE BOUND BY THE FOLLOWING PRIVACY STATEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE WITH THIS STATEMENT, DISCONTINUE ALL USE OF THIS SITE IMMEDIATELY. 1. What is “Personal Information”? Personal information is any information about you that can be used to identify you either directly (such as your name, address, e-mail address, or telephone number) or indirectly (such as information about your use of our products and services). , The name, address and telephone number of an individual that appears in a telephone directory that is available to the public (where such individual can refuse to have such information appears in such directory) does not fall under the scope of personal information as it is publicly available information. Also, in some circumstances, some of this information may qualify as business information which is not covered by this Statement. 2. Collection of Personal Information With exception of the information we collect using Cookies (see our Cookie Policy here ), we do not automatically gather any personal information from users of YP Websites. Personal information is only obtained by YP if you supply it voluntarily, usually by contacting us via e-mail or filling out a form, such as when you request supplemental information about our services, apply online for a contest, answer online surveys, submit a posting to a blog, forum, or review or register for services. Depending on your use of YP Websites, or our App, the information you provide us with may include: ​ Identification/profile information: This type of information refers to your basic contact details, including display name, password, date of birth (where applicable), gender, language preferences, email address, and/or telephone information, as well as a potential photo (for use as an avatar). Comments/Messages: We collect information you provide when you compose, send, or receive messages through our message functionality. In addition, we also collect information you provide when you supply comments or reviews on a YP Website. Marketing and Communications Information: This type of information includes your preferences in receiving marketing from us and your communication preferences. Where you have consented, we use your personal data to communicate to you marketing and advertising for products and services aligned with your interests. Technical Data: This type of information refers to your internet protocol (IP) address and information relating to the device you use to access YP Websites or our App. In addition, we may also obtain information about you through cookies (see Cookie Policy here ), as well as from Google or Facebook, in the case you signed up for an account with us through using either your Google or Facebook Accounts. In the case we do receive information from third parties such as Google or Facebook during the creation or log in to your account, you have granted those third parties consent to share that information with us. More specifically, the information we collect from those third parties include, most notably, your email address and/or your public profile. We need this information to authenticate you where you choose a social log-in route. It is important to note that you are not required to supply personal information to view the content of any YP Website. That being said, you should also be aware that when you share personal information in public areas of a YP Website, this information may be seen and used by other users. We urge you to exercise good judgment when sharing personal information in these areas. ​ If you decide not to provide us with personal information online, no material consequences will result, although you may be unable to participate in certain promotions, receive product information, or use portions of a YP Website that require personalized information or applications. YP Websites provide users the opportunity to opt-out of receiving communications from us at the point where we request contact information about you. YP will retain your personal data for no longer than is reasonably necessary for the purpose(s) for which it was provided. This practice will vary for different types of personal information, depending on how and why it was collected. For us to determine how long to keep personal information, we use a number of factors, including but not limited to: ​ Legal obligations under applicable Federal and Provincial laws to retain data for a certain period of time; Applicable statutes of limitation set by Federal and Provincial laws; Potential or actual disputes; and Best practices and guidelines issued by data protection authorities. Once no longer reasonably necessary for the purpose for which it was provided, we securely erase or de-index your personal data from our systems. Should you wish to reach out to us with a deletion or de-indexation request, please contact us at . 3. Use and Sharing of Personal Information We will generally collect and use the above detailed personal information to administer our contests, promotions, surveys, reward programs and other services, to understand our customers' responses, needs and preferences, and to generally manage our business. ​ Directory Delivery Should you be in an area where a local directory is not automatically delivered to you, you may request to receive a local directory by filling a webform on a YP Website. YP use your personal information in order to process this request, as well as include you on a distribution list for 3 upcoming directory editions, should you request this. Marketing Purposes (including third parties) We may also use personal information to contact our customers or suppliers with marketing or promotional materials regarding our products, programs and services or to assist our front-line staff in providing tailored sales offers to our customers. We may exchange or merge personal information with data obtained from third parties for the same purposes. The above-described business partners are trusted partners of YP. Should they request from us to use your name, address, email address, telephone number or other contact information to inform you of products, services, and promotional offers, we only share your such information with our partners where you have provided us consent to do so. You can always unsubscribe from their emails by clicking the “unsubscribe” link in any of their emails or managing your preferences via their website. Tracking and Profiling We use certain technologies which track your use of YP Websites, our App, products and services to help us build a profile of your preferences. The result of this for you, is that you are more likely to receive marketing and advertising which has been tailored to your specific preferences, based on your activities. If we show you an advertisement or you receive marketing which you do not believe relates to you, you can let us know by sending us an email at and we may decide to investigate the matter further. With your consent, we use cookies and similar technologies to track your activity on our website so we can provide you with important features and functions, and to offer you a better website experience overall. Specifically we use cookies and similar technology for functionality, analytics, marketing/advertising, and provide you with a more personalized experience. For more information on cookies and their use on YP Websites, please visit our Cookie Policy here . Internal Training Your personal information may also be used for internal training purposes, to ensure that our staff have the knowledge and expertise to offer you a great user experience. For example, if you call in to our call center by telephone, your call may be recorded and we may keep notes on file for quality and training purposes. Market and Research Analysis Purposes YP is always looking to get better understanding of our clients and our users. Accordingly, we may use your personal data for market and research analytics purposes. We may also conduct surveys, or invite certain users to be involved in market research. If you are invited to complete a survey or partake in market research, and you choose to do so, note that you are consenting to the use of your personal information for these purposes. We will use the answers and feedback you provide us with in order to provide improved products and services. Record Keeping and Data Accuracy The personal information we collect from you is processed in the course of maintaining and administering our internal records. We do so to ensure that any information we hold about you is kept up to date. Should you wish to rectify information about yourself, do not hesitate to reach out to us at with your request. Enquiries, Complaints and Disputes We use your personal information to respond to any enquiries, complaints, claims or disputes you may have made or dispute that may arise in the course of providing you with products and services. Fraud Prevention In certain circumstances, we use your personal information to the extent required to detect, investigate, and prevent fraud. In order for us to comply with our legal obligations, this may require the communication of your personal information to law enforcement agencies, if they request it. 4. Your Consent By providing us with your personal information, you consent to our collection, use and disclosure of that information as described in this Statement as amended from time to time or as described at or before the time of collection, use or disclosure, as the case may be. If you do not want your personal information to be collected, used or disclosed in this manner, then please either: ​ do not submit your personal information to us; exercise opt-out procedures described above or as may be offered at the time of collection, or refrain from exercising opt-in procedures described above or as may be offered at the time of collection ​ If you have submitted personal information to us and wish to withdraw your consent to its retention, use or disclosure, please send an e-mail to . You may withdraw your consent, subject to legal or contractual restrictions and reasonable notice. If you withdraw your consent, we may not be able to provide some products or services to you. ​ Where permitted or required by law, we may collect, use or disclose your personal information without your consent, for example, to collect a debt you owe us, to comply with a legally permitted inquiry by a government agency, or to comply with a court order. 5. Sharing your Personal Information In order for us to continue to provide you with quality products and services, we may share your personal information with our suppliers and service providers, including other companies within our group, who perform certain business services for us, as well as other organizations, who may use your personal data for their own purposes. In addition, we may disclose your personal information if we are under a duty to disclose or share such information in order to comply with any legal obligation, or in order to protect the rights, property or safety of our business, our customers, YP Website visitors, or others. This may include exchanging information with other organizations, including local police, the RCMP, or other governmental agencies for the purposes of fraud protection, or in order to assist with an investigation, or respond to a valid court order. Personal information may be shared with our agents or contractors in connection with services that they perform for us. Some of our agents and contractors are located outside of Canada and, as such, are subject to foreign laws, including laws that may require disclosure of personal information to government agencies in those countries. Specifically, some of our agents and contractors are located in the United States of America, or other jurisdictions such as India. Our written agreements with such agents and contractors ensure that personal information can only be used for the purposes for which it was shared with them, and that they handle the personal information in accordance with this Statement. Please ask us if you would like to know more about what measures we have in place to protect your personal information by writing us at 6. Safeguards and Retention We use physical, organizational and technological safeguards to protect your personal information against theft, loss or unauthorized access, use, modification, disclosure or disposal. Generally speaking, you can visit YP Websites without revealing personal information. However, given that electronically submitted data is not 100% secure, we make no warranties as to the security of any personal information you submit online, which you do at your own risk. 7. Terms of Use & Changes to this Statement Your use of YP Websites, and any disputes arising from it, is subject to this Statement and governed by our Terms of Use, including its choice of law provisions. We reserve the right to change and update the Statement and these changes will be made when appropriate, in a timely manner. We encourage you to examine our Statement from time to time to ensure you are aware of any changes we may have made. 8. Access and Contact Upon written request, YP will provide you access to your personal information, subject to certain exceptions as provided by the applicable legislation. If you notice any errors or omissions in your personal information, please advise us in writing and we will promptly correct them where appropriate. If you have concerns regarding our Statement, the security of your personal information or our compliance with the applicable personal information protection legislation, please send a brief explanation of your concern to our Privacy Officer at: ​ Franco Sciannamblo, Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer Yellow Pages Digital & Media Solutions Limited 1751 Richardson St., Suite 8.300 Montreal, Quebec H3K 1G6 Amended: September 2023 Yellow Pages Privacy Statement

  • Mission & Strategy - Financial Investors - Yellow Pages Canada

    Our Mission Yellow Pages exists to champion the local neighbourhood economy by creating local opportunities for Canada’s businesses and its consumers to connect, interact and build relationships. Our Strategy Yellow Pages (YP) business is focused on providing digital products and solutions to Canada’s local businesses and to the global brands that serve local Canadian markets. The Company’s updated corporate strategy aims to evolve its customer offering and capabilities in tandem with a changing digital market. The Company will focus on implementing a growth-oriented corporate strategy with five key initiatives: ​ Reshape the customer value proposition Implement new ways of selling Redefine and improve the customer journey Build the future state of the business Key Initiatives Reshape the customer value proposition ​ The goal of the new customer value proposition is to acquire, retain and strengthen our customer relationships. The Company will reshape its customer value proposition based on first-hand research conducted and input solicited from Canadian small and medium-sized enterprises (SME). The Company will structure its subsequent offering to directly address their critical needs in digital marketing. ​ YP’s core offer will no longer be product-centric, but rather provide content-centric solutions for SMEs. ​ Due to fragmentation of the digital market, SMEs require synchronized content across more platforms to reach customers. The starting point is a basic business profile, including company name, expertise, address and contact information. From there, the SME can expand its business profile by adding more engaging content – description of services, hours of operation, photos, etc. ​ YP will act as the SME’s content hub and then will syndicate that content across other large digital ecosystems (i.e. Facebook, Google, Apple). ​ The offering will blend Owned and Operated products and digital services into a staircase of offerings with varying service levels (basic, plus, premium). The entry point will consist of a simple, affordable, content-driven solution to establish, amplify and manage an SME’s business identity online. Once this is in place, an SME will then unlock a range of scalable marketing solutions to boost their visibility and manage their reputation in social media, an arena where SMEs clearly identify a critical need for assistance. ​ Many digital services and certain digital products, as well as print, will now only be available as add-ons to the main customer offering, creating upsell and upgrade incentives. By offering blended, tiered solutions, profitability will be more stable and sustainable. ​ Implement new ways of selling ​ While YP has successfully shifted skillsets and knowledge base of its sales teams over the last three years to meet the needs of a digital environment, the Company must now review the structure of its salesforce. This currently remains aligned with legacy structures. YP requires greater flexibility to capture growth opportunities across customer segments, cost efficiencies and increase competitiveness. Additionally, the Company will place greater emphasis on acquiring and retaining high spend, high potential customers. Redefine and improve the customer journey ​ As expectations of a digital customer are for simple and seamless interactions, this is the customer journey and experience YP will strive to create. The Company will align its tiered offering with five customer segments, divided by spend potential and critical marketing needs. Varying service models, product portfolios and touchpoints will be implemented for each customer segment, all with the goal of eliminating digital complexity and creating the customer experience that meets their critical needs. For low spend potential customers, YP will develop and implement an automation/self-serve model to offer greater flexibility for customers and allow the Company to place resources on high-spend, high-potential customers. ​ Build the future state of the business ​ In the near term, YP will expand its customer offering to include services that facilitate commercial transactions to businesses. The Company will look to integrate transaction-oriented solutions across its customer base addressing needs such as appointment scheduling and payment, making these services easily accessible and affordable to SMEs in Canada. Our Mission Stay Connected Sign up to automatically receive email alerts from Yellow Pages Limited Sign Up Thank you for subscribing to Yellow Pages' distribution list. An activation email will be sent to you shortly. You may unsubscribe from our email alerts at any time. Please refer to our privacy policy or contact us for more details.

  • Gold Sponsor - Canada Olympic Excellence Day - Yellow Pages

    Gold Sponsor Live Concert More Gold Sponsor Live Concert Canada Olympic Excellence Day On the eve of the Opening Ceremonies of the Pan American Games in Toronto, the Canadian Olympic Committee will open the doors of the Canadian Olympic House right in the heart of downtown Montreal. Fueled by the shared passion of Canadians from coast to coast that was on full display to the world at Montreal 1976, Calgary 1988 and Vancouver 2010, Canada Olympic Excellence Day will stand as a symbol of Canada’s growing role on the global Olympic landscape. This historic day of celebration will be comprised of five major components, including the World Sport Luncheon with International Olympic Committee president Thomas Bach as keynote speaker; a first glance at the interactive and immersive Olympic Experience, the opening of the high-tech Lausanne Room, spectacular artistic and musical performances in the hall of the newly-minted Canadian Olympic House, and the climax of this extraordinary day: the unveiling of the Olympic Rings high atop the Canadian Olympic House.

  • Yellow pages apps and website services for consumers - Yellow Pages Canada

    We’re focused on giving Canadians the best local information on their neighbourhoods, whether urban, suburban or rural. We offer a suite of apps, websites and print media to suit the search preferences of all Canadians. Our Properties for People An Entire Neighbourhood at Your Fingertips Discover everything the neighbourhood has to offer with a click, tap or swipe of a finger. Whether you’re looking for goods or services, directions, deals or even the cheapest gas around, you can find it all with the YP app. Your neighbourhood search engine helps you easily access local listings for 2.2 million businesses across Canada. Download App Available Also available for Desktop and Tablet "The YP mobile and tablet applications allow you to discover your local neighbourhood, and make smarter decisions with the help of reviews, photos, videos, maps and more information on your great local businesses." A Smarter Way to Shop YP Shopwise is your everyday shopping app. It helps you save time and money with a content-rich browsing experience. Flip through digitally-responsive e-flyers, browse geo-localized deals and savings, and receive push notifications about where the closest deals and freebies can be found. Download App Available Also available for Desktop and Tablet The People Finder Canada411 is a free and easy to use platform, offering the most efficient way to find contact information for any person, as well as local businesses, across Canada. Download App Available Also available for Desktop and Tablet The Yellow Pages Print Directory A staple in a majority of households across Canada. All the numbers and addresses for your local communities can be found in one place alongside great local editorial content and local activities. If you’re a print lover or just want to keep a directory as back-up, the Yellow Pages directory is up to the task. Do you prefer using our digital products? You can choose to opt-in or opt-out of receiving our Yellow Pages print directory here . eDirectories The free YP eDirectories app is an electronic version of the Yellow Pages print directory. Fully searchable, it has the same content, layout and extra time-saving features to easily find what you’re looking for, all in a convenient format for tablets and desktops. Download App What we do for businesses: We leverage the power of our digital marketing solutions and network to help businesses expand their reach and attract clients. Learn About Our Services


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