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  • Contact the Board

    Governance You can contact Yellow Pages Limited’s Board of Directors to provide comments, to report concerns, or to ask a question. ​ To submit a comment to the Board of Directors through Yellow Pages Limited’s Corporate Secretary, please email us at or mail us at the following postal address: ​ Yellow Pages Limited Attention: Corporate Secretary 8.300-1751 Rue Richardson Montréal, Québec H3K 1G6 ​ If you would like to submit your communication anonymously or confidentially, please contact the Yellow Pages Ethics Confidential Line at 1-877-335-5633 or by email at . Please indicate whether you are a shareholder, customer, supplier, or other interested party. Communications are distributed to the Board, to any individual Director(s) or to the Yellow Pages Ethics Committee as appropriate, depending on the facts and circumstances outlined in the communication. In that regard, Yellow Pages’ Board of Directors has requested that certain items which are unrelated to the duties and responsibilities of the Board should be excluded, such as: ​ Customer service complaints or inquiries; Resumes and other forms of job inquiries; Surveys; and Business solicitations or advertisements. For all inquiries related to a Yellow Pages customer account visit us at or call us at 1 877 909-9356. ​ In addition, material that is unduly hostile, threatening, illegal, or similarly unsuitable will be excluded, with the provision that any communication that is filtered out must be made available to any non-management Director upon request. ​ Contact the Board Governance Incorporation Corporate Governance Guidelines Committee Charters Code of Ethics Contact the Board More Governance Incorporation Corporate Governance Guidelines Committee Charters Code of Ethics Contact the Board Governance Incorporation Corporate Governance Guidelines Committee Charters Code of Ethics Contact the Board

  • Yellow Pages, a digital marketing company - Yellow Pages Canada

    Our Company Our Mission We exist to champion the local neighbourhood economy by enabling connections between Canadians and their local businesses. Yellow Pages builds relationships. Through various digital media and marketing solutions, we help Canadians find information on the goods and services around them, while enabling local businesses to make sure their products and services are seen and heard. Serving over 125 000 Canadian Businesses Digital is 75.6% of total revenues Our Companies Small business? Big box or retail chain? Service provider? Real estate broker? Avid shopper or dealhunter? We’ve got divisions dedicated to serving the digital media and marketing needs of multiple industries and audiences. Companies Our Team Bringing talented people together is a part of our strengths as a company. From the ground up, we build teams that deliver results for all our audiences, starting with our leadership. Management A Century-long Legacy Yellow Pages published its first directory in 1908. We’ve changed a lot since then, with a majority of our revenues and operations stemming from digital products and services. Our History What we do for People and for Businesses We foster business relationships between Canadian businesses and their prospective clients. We do this by providing tailored, locally-relevant digital media and marketing solutions designed with both these audiences in mind. Our Properties Our Services

  • Pages Jaunes est un fier partenaire de MTL Ensemble!

    MTL Ensemble 1776 Challenge Cup More MTL Ensemble 1776 Challenge Cup MTL Ensemble Le 22 octobre 2015, au Salon 1861 situé dans le Quartier de l’innovation de Montréal, MTL Ensemble, un événement commandité par Pages Jaunes et la maison Notman pour les jeunes entreprises digitales en démarrage, rassemblera certains des meilleurs conférenciers entrepreneuriaux dans le cadre de l’édition locale de la Challenge Cup 1776, un tournoi mondial auquel participeront les startups les plus prometteuses et capables de changer le monde. Les entreprises participantes s’opposeront pour tenter de remporter des prix en argent et pourront forger des relations internationales et partager leur vision sur la scène mondiale. Sources d’inspiration ​ Pour sa première édition, Pages Jaunes organise une série de conférences spéciales auxquelles participeront deux des conférenciers les plus en vue en Amérique du Nord dans le domaine de l’innovation. ​ Nir Eyal Auteur, investisseur et entrepreneur ​ Nir Eyal écrit, agit à titre de consultant et enseigne sur le thème du croisement entre la psychologie, la technologie et les affaires. Le magazine M.I.T. Technology Review l’a qualifié de « prophète de la technologie qui crée une dépendance ». Nir Eyal a fondé deux entreprises technologiques depuis 2003 et a enseigné à la Stanford Graduate School of Business et au Hasso Plattner Institute of Design de Stanford. Il est l’auteur de l’ouvrage à succès Hooked: How to Build Habit-Forming Products . En plus de rédiger à titre de blogueur sur , Nir Eyal collabore avec TechCrunch , Inc. et Psychology Today à titre de rédacteur. Jon Egan Growth Hacker, Pinterest ​ John Egan travaille au sein de l’équipe de croissance de Pinterest où il agit comme directeur technique de l’équipe de la notification poussée et des courriels. Sur Pinterest, des dizaines de millions de personnes utilisent leur service quotidiennement et il a dirigé l’équipe qui a appris à donner à l’entreprise une envergure mondiale. Auparavant, il avait dirigé l’équipe de croissance de Shopkick, une application mobile de fidélisation multidétaillants financée par Kleiner-Perkins & Greylock Partners et acquise par SK Planet pour 200 millions de dollars.

  • Q3 2021 Financial and Operational Results

    Back to Events November 12, 2021 Q3 2021 Financial and Operational Results Add to my Calendar Management's Discussion and Analysis (198.7 KB) Financial Statements (203.8 KB) Supplemental Disclosure (6.1 MB) Webcast of the Conference Call Back to Events Events

  • General

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  • Financial

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  • Q2 2021 Financial and Operational Results

    Back to Events August 5, 2021 Q2 2021 Financial and Operational Results Add to my Calendar Management's Discussion and Analysis (196.9 KB) Financial Statements (201.0 KB) Supplemental Disclosure (949.4 KB) Webcast of the Conference Call Back to Events Events

  • Take advantage of your digital strategy to create an experience worthy of your brand!

    Back to Events November 15, 2017 Take advantage of your digital strategy to create an experience worthy of your brand! Add to my Calendar Back to Events Events

  • Q3 2022 Financial and Operational Results

    Back to Events November 10, 2022 Q3 2022 Financial and Operational Results Add to my Calendar Management's Discussion and Analysis (227.1 KB) Financial Statements (210.8 KB) Supplemental Disclosure (768.7 KB) Webcast of the Conference Call Back to Events Events

  • Q4 2015 and Full Year 2015 Financial and Operational Results

    Back to Events February 11, 2016 Q4 2015 and Full Year 2015 Financial and Operational Results Add to my Calendar Management's Discussion and Analysi s (252.3 KB) Financial Statements (310.3 KB) Supplemental Disclosure (5.8 MB) Fact Sheet (404.3 KB) Webcast of the Conference Call Back to Events Events

  • Working Together at Yellow Pages: The IT Tortoise & the Marketing Hare

    Back to Events October 22, 2015 Working Together at Yellow Pages: The IT Tortoise & the Marketing Hare Add to my Calendar Back to Events Events

  • Release of Q3 2016 Financial and Operational Results

    Back to Events November 10, 2016 Release of Q3 2016 Financial and Operational Results Add to my Calendar Management's Discussion and Analysis (127.3 KB) Financial Statements (82.9 KB) Supplemental Disclosure (769.1 KB) Webcast of the Conference Call Back to Events Events


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