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  • Carleton University Women in Business Conference: A World of Opportunities

    Back to News 2 mars 2017 Carleton University Women in Business Conference: A World of Opportunities (en anglais seulement) Ajouter à mon agenda Retour aux événements Événements

  • Yellow Pages Limited Files Management Proxy Circular for Special Meeting of Shareholders and Announces Receipt of Interim Order

    Communiqués de presse Back to News Retour aux nouvelles Print Retour aux nouvelles Print Montréal (Québec), le 31 octobre 2023 — Pages Jaunes Limitée (TSX : Y) (la « Société »), un fournisseur canadien de premier plan de médias numériques et de solutions marketing, a annoncé aujourd’hui qu’elle avait déposé et est sur le point de mettre à la poste la circulaire de sollicitation de procurations par la direction (la « circulaire ») ainsi que les documents connexes relatifs à l’assemblée extraordinaire (l’« assemblée ») des actionnaires de la Société (les « actionnaires ») visant à approuver l’arrangement annoncé préalablement en vertu de la loi de Colombie‑Britannique intitulée Business Corporations Act (l’« arrangement »). Aux termes de l’arrangement, la Société rachètera au pro rata auprès des actionnaires un total de 4,440,497 actions ordinaires au prix de rachat de 11,26 $ par action, ce qui correspond au cours moyen pondéré en fonction du volume des actions pour la période de cinq jours de bourse consécutifs se terminant le jour de bourse qui précède immédiatement le 19 octobre 2023, le tout comme il est plus amplement décrit dans la circulaire. Aux termes de l’arrangement, la Société avancera par ailleurs les cotisations en espèces supplémentaires facultatives annoncées préalablement en vue de réduire le déficit attribuable à la résiliation du régime de retraite à prestations déterminées de la Société (le « régime de retraite ») de 12 millions de dollars au cours de l’exercice qui sera clos le 31 décembre 2023, ce qui porterait le total des paiements en espèces pour 2023 visant à réduire le déficit attribuable à la résiliation du régime à prestations de retraite à 18 millions de dollars d’ici la fin de l’année. L’arrangement est conditionnel à l’approbation des actionnaires détenant au moins 66 ⅔ % des voix exprimées à l’assemblée. Des actionnaires qui détiennent plus de 77 % des actions en circulation ont convenu avec la Société de voter en faveur de l’arrangement. La réalisation de l’arrangement est également conditionnelle à l’obtention de l’approbation de la Cour suprême de la Colombie‑Britannique (la « Cour »). Recommandation du conseil Le conseil d’administration de la Société a établi à l’unanimité, après consultation de ses conseillers et ses propres délibérations, que l’arrangement est équitable pour les actionnaires et que l’arrangement est dans l’intérêt de la Société, et recommande aux actionnaires de voter POUR l’arrangement. Ordonnance provisoire La Société a également annoncé aujourd’hui que la Cour avait délivré une ordonnance provisoire dans le cadre de l’arrangement autorisant de nombreuses questions, dont la tenue de l’assemblée et la mise à la poste de la circulaire. Date de clôture des registres La Société a déposé un avis de dates d’assemblée et de clôture des registres auprès des autorités en valeurs mobilières compétentes le 23 octobre 2023, aux termes duquel elle a informé les actionnaires que l’assemblée se tiendrait virtuellement le 30 novembre 2023 et a établi que la fermeture des bureaux le 23 octobre 2023 serait la date de clôture des registres (la « date de clôture des registres ») pour l’assemblée. Assemblée et circulaire L’assemblée doit avoir lieu sous forme virtuelle seulement par webdiffusion audio en direct à le 30 novembre 2023 à 13 h (heure de l’Est). Les actionnaires, où qu’ils se trouvent, auront tous la chance d’assister à l’assemblée en ligne. Les actionnaires ne pourront assister à l’assemblée en personne. Les actionnaires inscrits à la fermeture des bureaux à la date de clôture des registres ont le droit de recevoir l’avis de convocation à l’assemblée et d’y voter. Les actionnaires sont priés de voter bien avant l’échéance pour la remise des procurations, qui a été fixée à 13 h (heure de l’Est) le 28 novembre 2023. La circulaire donne des renseignements importants sur l’arrangement et les questions s’y rapportant, notamment sur le contexte de l’arrangement, les procédures en matière de vote et la façon d’assister virtuellement à l’assemblée. Les actionnaires sont priés de lire la circulaire et ses annexes attentivement et intégralement. La circulaire est envoyée par la poste aux actionnaires, conformément aux lois applicables et à l’ordonnance provisoire. La circulaire peut être consultée sous le profil de la Société sur SEDAR, à , de même que sur le site Web de la Société, à . Questions des actionnaires et aide Les actionnaires qui ont des questions relativement à l’assemblée ou qui désirent obtenir de l’aide relativement au vote peuvent communiquer avec Broadridge Investor Communications Corporation, l’agent de sollicitation de procurations de la Société, par courriel à . À propos de Pages Jaunes Limitée Pages Jaunes Limitée (TSX : Y) est une société canadienne de médias numériques et de solutions marketing qui offre des occasions aux vendeurs et aux acheteurs d’interagir et de faire des affaires au sein de l’économie locale. Pages Jaunes détient certains des principaux médias locaux en ligne au Canada, notamment , Canada411 et . La Société détient également les applications mobiles PJ, Canada411 et 411 ainsi que les annuaires imprimés Pages Jaunes. Pour plus d’information, visitez notre site Web à . Mise en garde concernant les énoncés prospectifs Le présent communiqué de presse contient des déclarations prospectives sur l’arrangement au sens des lois sur les valeurs mobilières applicables. La réalisation de l'arrangement est soumise à un certain nombre de risques. Les risques qui pourraient faire en sorte que nos résultats diffèrent sensiblement de nos attentes actuelles et qui pourraient avoir une incidence sur l'arrangement sont abordés à la section 5 de notre rapport de gestion du 8 août 2023. Nous n’avons aucune intention ni ne nous engageons à le faire, sauf si cela est exigé conformément à la loi, de mettre à jour les déclarations prospectives même si de nouveaux renseignements venaient à notre connaissance, par suite d’événements futurs ou pour toute autre raison. Pages Jaunes Limitée dépose une circulaire de sollicitation de procurations par la direction relative à l’assemblée extraordinaire des actionnaires et annonce avoir obtenu une ordonnance provisoire

  • Yellow Pages Limited Reports First Quarter 2023 Financial and Operating Results and Announces an Increase in Quarterly Cash Dividends1

    Press Releases Back to News Back to News Print Back to News Print Montreal (Quebec), May 11, 2023 — Yellow Pages Limited (TSX: Y) (the “Company”), a leading Canadian digital media and marketing company, released its operating and financial results today for the quarter ended March 31, 2023. “Our first quarter results reflect continued strong profitability and cash generation with solid progress on the revenue front and we are pleased to announce an increase in our quarterly cash dividend,” said David A. Eckert, President and CEO of Yellow Pages Limited. Eckert commented on the key developments: Strong quarterly earnings. “Despite our continued investments in revenue initiatives, including significant expansion of our sales force, our Adjusted EBITDA2 for the quarter was 33.1% of revenue.” Pension plan funding on track. “Consistent with our deficit-reduction plan announced in May 2021, in the first quarter of 2023 we made $1.5 million of voluntary incremental payments toward our Defined Benefit Pension Plan’s wind-up deficit.” Healthy cash balance. “Even after certain regular, seasonal cash disbursements during the quarter, cash on hand stood at approximately $54 million at the end of April.” Stable change in revenue. “Despite some increase in headwinds in the general economy, our change in revenue in the first quarter compared to prior year was slightly better than the same measure a year ago. And while we remain attentive to continued pressures in the global and Canadian economy, we are pleased with our compa Increase in quarterly cash dividend. “Our board has modified the dividend policy of paying a quarterly cash dividend to common shareholders by increasing the dividend from $0.15 per share to $0.20 per share.” Quarterly dividend declared. “Our Board has declared a dividend of $0.20 per common share, to be paid on June 15, 2023 to shareholders of record as of May 25, 2023.” Financial Highlights (In thousands of Canadian dollars, except percentage information and per share information) (1) The dividend will be designated as an eligible dividend pursuant to subsection 89(14) of the Income Tax Act (Canada) and any applicable provincial legislation pertaining to eligible dividends. (2) Adjusted EBITDA is equal to Income from operations before depreciation and amortization and restructuring and other charges (defined herein as Adjusted EBITDA), as shown in Yellow Pages Limited’s interim condensed consolidated statements of income. Adjusted EBITDA, Adjusted EBITDA margin, CAPEX, Adjusted EBITDA less CAPEX and Adjusted EBITDA less CAPEX margin are non-GAAP financial measures and do not have any standardized meaning under IFRS. Therefore, they are unlikely to be comparable to similar measures presented by other public companies. Refer to the section on Non-GAAP financial measures at the end of this document for more details. First Quarter of 2023 Results • Total revenues decreased 7.5% year-over-year and amounted to $62.7 million for the three-month period ended March 31, 2023, an improvement from the decrease of 7.8% reported for the same period last year. • Adjusted EBITDA less CAPEX1 totalled $19.8 million and the EBITDA less CAPEX margin1 was 31.6%. • Net income decreased to $12.4 million, or to $0.68 per diluted share. Financial Results for the First Quarter of 2023 Total revenues for the first quarter ended March 31, 2023 decreased by 7.5% to $62.7 million, as compared to $67.8 million for the same period last year. The decrease in revenues is mainly due to the decline of our higher margin digital media and print products and to a lesser extent to our lower margin digital services products, thereby creating pressure on our gross profit margins. The decline rates for total revenues and digital revenues improved year-over-year. Total revenue decline of 7.5% this quarter compares to a decline of 7.8% reported for the same period last year. Digital revenue decline of 5.7% this quarter compares to a decline of 7.7% reported for the same period last year. The improvements in total and digital revenues were due to increased average spend per customer in digital, increased renewal rates as well as continued improvements in customer claim rates. Print revenue decline of 13.7% this quarter compares to a decline of 7.9% reported for the same period last year. The higher decline rate for print revenue is attributable to the decrease in average spend per customer, partially offset by improvements in customer claim rates. For the three-month period ended March 31, 2023 Adjusted EBITDA1 decreased by $4.7 million or 18.3% to $20.8 million, compared to $25.4 million for the same period last year. The adjusted EBITDA margin1 decreased for the first quarter of 2023 to 33.1%, compared to 37.5% for the same period last year. The decrease in Adjusted EBITDA for the first quarter of 2023 is the result of revenue pressures as well as ongoing investments in our tele-sales force capacity, partially offset by reductions in other operating costs including reductions in our workforce and associated employee expenses, and lower variable compensation expense. Revenue pressures, coupled with increased headcount in our salesforce partially offset by continued optimization, will continue to cause some pressure on margins in upcoming quarters. For the three-month period ended March 31, 2023 Adjusted EBITDA less CAPEX decreased by $4.1 million or 17.1% to $19.8 million, compared to $23.9 million for the same period last year. The adjusted EBITDA less CAPEX margin decreased during the period ended March 31, 2023 to 31.6% compared to 35.3% for the same period last year. The decrease in Adjusted EBITDA less CAPEX and Adjusted EBITDA less CAPEX margin is driven by the decrease in Adjusted EBITDA, partially offset by the decrease in CAPEX spend, since 2022 CAPEX spend was impacted by the integration of new products. Net income decreased to $12.4 million for the three-month period ended March 31, 2023 compared to net income of $14.6 million for the same period last year due to lower Adjusted EBITDA, partially offset by lower depreciation and amortization, restructuring and other charges, financial charges and lower income taxes. Cash flows from operating activities increased by $5.4 million to $9.8 million for the three-month period ended March 31, 2023. The increase is mainly due to the decrease in stock-based compensation cash settlements of $3.0 million, lower income taxes paid of $5.9 million, and lower restructuring and other charges paid of $1.7 million, offset by lower Adjusted EBITDA of $4.7 million. The first quarter of 2022 benefited from the cancellation of the forward contracts resulting in a decrease in other receivables of $3.1 million. As at March 31, 2023, the Company had $49.7 million of cash. 1) Adjusted EBITDA is equal to Income from operations before depreciation and amortization and restructuring and other charges (defined herein as Adjusted EBITDA), as shown in Yellow Pages Limited’s interim condensed consolidated statements of income. Adjusted EBITDA, Adjusted EBITDA margin, CAPEX, Adjusted EBITDA less CAPEX, Adjusted EBITDA less CAPEX margin are non-GAAP financial measures and do not have any standardized meaning under IFRS. Therefore, they are unlikely to be comparable to similar measures presented by other public companies. Refer to the section on Non-GAAP financial measures at the end of this document for more details. Conference Call & Webcast Yellow Pages Limited will hold an analyst and media call and simultaneous webcast at 8:30 a.m. (Eastern Time) on May 11, 2023 to discuss first quarter 2023 results. The call may be accessed by dialing 416-695-6725 within the Toronto area, or 1-866-696-5910 outside of Toronto, Passcode 2713953#. Please be prepared to join the conference at least 5 minutes prior to the conference start time. The call will be simultaneously webcast on the Company’s website at: http s:// . The conference call will be archived in the Investors section of the site at: http s:// . About Yellow Pages Limited Yellow Pages Limited (TSX: Y) is a Canadian digital media and marketing company that creates opportunities for buyers and sellers to interact and transact in the local economy. Yellow Pages holds some of Canada’s leading local online properties including , Canada411 and . The Company also holds the YP, Canada411 and 411 mobile applications and Yellow Pages print directories. For more information visit www. . Caution Concerning Forward-Looking Statements This press release contains forward-looking statements about the objectives, strategies, financial conditions and results of operations and businesses of YP (including, without limitation, payment of a cash dividend per share per quarter to its common shareholders). These statements are forward-looking as they are based on our current expectations, as at May 10, 2023, about our business and the markets we operate in, and on various estimates and assumptions. Our actual results could materially differ from our expectations if known or unknown risks affect our business, or if our estimates or assumptions turn out to be inaccurate. As a result, there is no assurance that any forward-looking statements will materialize. Risks that could cause our results to differ materially from our current expectations are discussed in section 5 of our May 10, 2023 Management’s Discussion and Analysis. We disclaim any intention or obligation to update any forward-looking statements, except as required by law, even if new information becomes available, as a result of future events or for any other reason. Contact: Investors & Media Franco Sciannamblo Senior Vice-President and Chief Financial Officer Yellow Pages Limited Reports First Quarter 2023 Financial and Operating Results and Announces an Increase in Quarterly Cash Dividends1

  • Q1 2014 Financial and Operational Results and 2014 Annual General Meeting

    Back to News 8 mai 2014 Résultats financiers et opérationnels du 1er trimestre de 2014 et assemblée générale annuelle Ajouter à mon agenda Rapport de gestion (214,1 Kio) États financiers (109,1 Kio) Complément d'information (en anglais) (685,7 Kio) Fiche d'information (3,9 Mio) Webdiffusion de la conférence téléphonique (en anglais) Retour aux événements Événements

  • Craig Forman | YP Canada Corporate

    Previous Next Craig Forman Back Craig Forman Director Chair of the Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee Craig Forman is General Partner of Next News Ventures, a media tech-focused venture capital firm investing in growth-stage startups. With over 20 years of experience in the internet, media and communications industries, Mr. Forman served as President and Chief Executive Officer at McClatchy Company, a California-based news and information company until 2020. Mr. Forman was Executive Chairman of the Board of the mobile advertising company Appia, Inc. from August 2011 until its acquisition by Digital Turbine Inc., and on whose board Mr. Forman served until January 2017. Mr. Forman has also served as Executive Chairman of WHERE, Inc., a location-based media company which was acquired by eBay. Mr. Forman currently serves as Executive Chair at the Center for News, Technology & Innovation (CNTI). Mr. Forman has an undergraduate degree in Public and International Affairs from Princeton University and a Master’s degree in law from Yale Law School.

  • The Mobile Revolution - Presentation

    Back to Events ​ The Mobile Revolution - Presentation Add to my Calendar Back to Events Events

  • Yellow Pages Limited Announces Plan for $50 million Share Buyback and $12 million Pension Plan Voluntary Contribution

    Communiqués de presse Back to News Retour aux nouvelles Print Retour aux nouvelles Print Montréal (Québec), le 19 octobre 2023 — Pages Jaunes Limitée (TSX : Y) (la « Société »), un chef de file en matière de médias numériques et de solutions marketing au Canada, a annoncé aujourd’hui que son conseil d’administration a approuvé la distribution aux actionnaires d’un montant d’environ 50 M$ par l’entremise d’un rachat d’actions auprès de tous les actionnaires conformément à un plan d’arrangement prévu par la loi en vertu de la Business Corporations Act (Colombie-Britannique). L’arrangement sera réalisé conformément à un plan d’arrangement qui prévoit que la Société rachètera auprès des actionnaires, au prorata, un total de 4 440 497 actions ordinaires au prix de rachat de 11,26 $ l’action, soit le cours moyen pondéré en fonction du volume pour les cinq jours de bourse consécutifs se terminant le jour de bourse précèdant immédiatement le 19 octobre 2023. En vertu du plan d’arrangement, la Société avancera également, au cours de l’exercice se clôturant le 31 décembre 2023, un montant de 12 M$ au titre des cotisations facultatives supplémentaires en trésorerie annoncées précédemment à l’égard du déficit de liquidation du régime de retraite, ce qui portera les paiements en trésorerie au titre du déficit de liquidation du régime de 2023 à 18 M$ d’ici la fin de l’exercice. L’apport facultatif de trésorerie supplémentaire de 12 M$ au cours de l’exercice se clôturant le 31 décembre 2023 représente un versement à l’avance au titre des cotisations facultatives de 6,0 M$ prévues au cours des exercices 2025 et 2026 dans le cadre du plan de réduction du déficit que nous avons annoncé en mai 2021 visant à augmenter la probabilité que le régime de retraite soit entièrement capitalisé d’ici 2030. La probabilité d’atteindre un ratio de liquidation de 100 % d’ici 2030 dépend de certains facteurs impossibles à maîtriser, y compris, notamment, les rendements du marché et les taux d’actualisation. Le conseil continuera d’évaluer le plan de réduction du déficit chaque année. L’arrangement est assujetti à l’approbation par au moins 66 2/3 % des voix exprimées par les détenteurs d’actions lors d’une assemblée extraordinaire des actionnaires qui se tiendra virtuellement le mercredi 30 novembre 2023 afin d’approuver l’arrangement. L’heure de fermeture des bureaux le 23 octobre 2023 sera la date de clôture des registres pour l’assemblée. Les actionnaires détenant plus de 77 % des actions en circulation ont convenu avec la Société de voter en faveur de l’arrangement. L'arrangement devrait être finalisé d'ici la fin de l'année 2023. L’arrangement est aussi assujetti à l’obtention de l’approbation de la Cour suprême de la Colombie-Britannique. À propos de Pages Jaunes Limitée Pages Jaunes Limitée (TSX : Y) est une société canadienne de médias numériques et de solutions marketing qui offre des occasions aux vendeurs et aux acheteurs d’interagir et de faire des affaires au sein de l’économie locale. Pages Jaunes détient certains des principaux médias locaux en ligne au Canada, notamment , et . La Société détient également les applications mobiles PJ, Canada411 et 411 ainsi que les annuaires imprimés Pages Jaunes. Pour plus d’information, visitez notre site Web à . Mise en garde concernant les énoncés prospectifs Le présent communiqué de presse contient des déclarations prospectives sur l’arrangement au sens des lois sur les valeurs mobilières applicables. La réalisation de l'arrangement est soumise à un certain nombre de risques. Les risques qui pourraient faire en sorte que nos résultats diffèrent sensiblement de nos attentes actuelles et qui pourraient avoir une incidence sur l'arrangement sont abordés à la section 5 de notre rapport de gestion du 8 août 2023. Nous n’avons aucune intention ni ne nous engageons à le faire, sauf si cela est exigé conformément à la loi, de mettre à jour les déclarations prospectives même si de nouveaux renseignements venaient à notre connaissance, par suite d’événements futurs ou pour toute autre raison. Personnes ressources: Investisseurs et média: Franco Sciannamblo Premier vice président et chef de la direction financière Pages Jaunes Limitée annonce un plan visant le rachat d’actions de 50 M$ et une cotisation facultative de 12 M$ au régime de retraite

  • Management Discussion and Analysis

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  • WEBINAR: Yellow Pages: A Canadian Case Study in Digital Transformation

    Back to Events September 3, 2015 WEBINAR: Yellow Pages: A Canadian Case Study in Digital Transformation Add to my Calendar Back to Events Events

  • Yellow Pages Limited Announces an Innovative Digital Solution that Helps Businesses Improve their Advertising ROI

    Press Releases Back to News Back to News Print Back to News Print Montreal (Quebec), February 10, 2022 — Yellow Pages Limited (TSX: Y) (the “Company”), a leading Canadian digital media and marketing company, announced it has introduced a unique advertising solution that centralizes the small and medium sized business’s (“SMB’s”) digital marketing into a single platform. “SMB owners often struggle with deciding where to allocate their advertising dollars to maximize their return on investment. Our new Multi-Channel Ads solution allows SMBs to launch within days of sale, digital ads that will be shown at the right time, to the right customer, on the right platforms, including Google, Meta and Instagram,” said Sherilyn King, Senior Vice President Sales, Marketing and Customer Service of Yellow Pages Limited. She continued, “Our offering is enabled by our new strategic partnership with GotU, an innovative, AI-based digital campaign creation and optimization platform.” “We are excited to partner with Yellow Pages and work together on innovative projects. Our combined, deep industry knowledge and expertise will assist in making Yellow Pages’ SMBs a success”, said Paolo Portioli, CEO of GotU. About Yellow Pages Limited Yellow Pages Limited (TSX: Y) is a Canadian digital media and marketing company that creates opportunities for buyers and sellers to interact and transact in the local economy. Yellow Pages holds some of Canada’s leading local online properties including , Canada411 and . The Company also holds the YP, Canada411 and 411 mobile applications and Yellow Pages print directories. For more information visit . Contacts: Investors Franco Sciannamblo Senior Vice-President and Chief Financial Officer Media Treena Cooper Senior Vice President, Secretary and General Counsel About GotU GotU Limited is a MarTech company present in various markets, primarily EMEA and North America, which develops technology and offers unique hyperlocal, cross channel advertising and marketing services aimed at Resellers who support the growth of local SMEs and Brands that want to promote their stores locally. We design innovative, AI-based platforms to assist with supporting the number of clients visiting websites and stores. For more information visit Yellow Pages Limited Announces an Innovative Digital Solution that Helps Businesses Improve their Advertising ROI

  • BI on Hadoop Heroes: 3 companies That Have Succeeded and What They’ve Learned

    Back to News 21 octobre 2015 BI on Hadoop Heroes: 3 companies That Have Succeeded and What They’ve Learned - en anglais seulement Ajouter à mon agenda Retour aux événements Événements

  • Yellow Pages Limited Files Management Proxy Circular for Special Meeting of Shareholders and Announces Receipt of Interim Order

    Press Releases Back to News Back to News Print Back to News Print Montreal (Quebec), October 31, 2023 — Yellow Pages Limited (TSX: Y) (the “Company”), a leading Canadian digital media and marketing company, today announced that it has filed and is in the process of mailing the management proxy circular (the “ Circular ”) and related materials for the special meeting (the “ Meeting ”) of the Company’s shareholders (the “ Shareholders ”) to approve the previously announced arrangement under the Business Corporation Act (British Columbia) (the “ Arrangement ”). Under the Arrangement, the Company will repurchase from Shareholders pro rata an aggregate of 4,440,497 common shares at a purchase price of $11.26 per share, which represents the volume weighted average price for the five consecutive trading days ending the trading day immediately prior to October 19, 2023, all as more particularly described in the Circular. Under the Arrangement, the Company will also advance the previously announced voluntary incremental cash contributions to the Company’s defined benefit pension plan’s (the “ Pension Plan ”) wind-up deficit by an amount of $12 million during the year ending December 31, 2023, bringing 2023 cash payments to the Pension Plan’s wind-up deficit to $18 million by the end of the year. The Arrangement is subject to the approval of at least 66 2/3% of the votes cast by Shareholders at the Meeting. Shareholders holding in excess of 77% of the outstanding shares have agreed with the Company to vote in favor of the Arrangement. The Arrangement is also subject to the receipt of the approval of the Supreme Court of British Columbia (the “ Court ”). Board Recommendation The board of directors of the Company has unanimously determined, after consultation with its advisors and its own deliberations, that the Arrangement is fair to the Shareholders and the Arrangement is in the best interests of the Company, and recommends the Shareholders vote FOR the Arrangement. Interim Order The Company also announced today that the Court has issued an interim order in connection with the Arrangement authorizing various matters, including the holding of the Meeting and the mailing of the Circular. Record Date The Company filed a notice of meeting and record date with applicable securities regulatory authorities on October 23, 2023, pursuant to which it advised the Shareholders that the Meeting would be held virtually on November 30, 2023 and set the close of business on October 23, 2023 as the record date (the “ Record Date ”) for the Meeting. Meeting and Circular The Meeting is scheduled to be held as a virtual-only meeting available via live audio webcast available at on Thursday, November 30, 2023 at 1:00 p.m. (Eastern time). Shareholders, regardless of geographic location, will have an equal opportunity to participate in the Meeting online. Shareholders will not be able to attend the Meeting in person. Shareholders of record as of the close of business on the Record Date are entitled to receive notice of and vote at the Meeting. Shareholders are urged to vote well before the proxy deadline of 1:00 p.m. (Eastern time) on Tuesday, November 28, 2023. The Circular provides important information on the Arrangement and related matters, including the background to the Arrangement, voting procedures and how to virtually attend the Meeting. Shareholders are urged to read the Circular and its schedules carefully and in their entirety. The Circular is being mailed to Shareholders in compliance with applicable laws and the Interim Order. The Circular is available under the Company’s profile on SEDAR at and on the Company’s website at . Shareholder Questions and Assistance Shareholders who have questions regarding the Meeting or require assistance with voting may contact Broadridge Investor Communications Corporation, the Company’s proxy solicitation agent, via email at . About Yellow Pages Limited Yellow Pages Limited (TSX: Y) is a Canadian digital media and marketing company that creates opportunities for buyers and sellers to interact and transact in the local economy. Yellow Pages holds some of Canada’s leading local online properties including , Canada411 and . The Company also holds the YP, Canada411 and 411 mobile applications and Yellow Pages print directories. For more information visit . Caution Concerning Forward-Looking Statements This press release contains certain forward-looking statements about the Arrangement within the meaning of applicable securities laws. Completion of the Arrangement is subject to a number of risks. Risks that could cause our results to differ materially from our current expectations, and that could impact the Arrangement, are discussed in section 5 of our August 8, 2023 Management's Discussion and Analysis. We disclaim any intention or obligation to update any forward-looking statements, except as required by law, even if new information becomes available, as a result of future events or for any other reason. Yellow Pages Limited Files Management Proxy Circular for Special Meeting of Shareholders and Announces Receipt of Interim Order


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